Mainstream media interferes with Barron Trump's graduation by making special day for Melania and Donald about hush-money trial

 May 18, 2024

Barron Trump, the youngest son of Donald and Melania Trump, recently graduated from high school but what should have been a special family moment was corrupted with talk of Trump's New York trial.

The mainstream media was quick to make the day about Trump's trial which wasn't unexpected but still tainted a special moment for the Trump family.

The media's coverage was likely especially upsetting for Melania Trump as she has been the one who has been primarily raising Barron Trump amidst her husband's presidency and fight against Democrats.

The pictures from the graduation were a real testament to the fortitude and closeness of the Trump family amid the incredible pressure and hostility they face.

But since the mainstream media was so intent on talking about Trump's trial, it's worth remembering that Donald Trump was almost prevented from attending his son's graduation in the first place.

Resilience against extreme adversity

Photos of Trump and Melania show the proud pair beaming as Barron received his diploma from Oxbridge Academy.

This is a real moment of accomplishment for the Trumps but especially for Melania who has been protecting Barron from the politics that surrounds the family.

Melania has been notably absent the past few years because of her need to keep Barron out of the public eye and away from a vicious leftist media that desperately wants to attack anything with the Trump name.

Donald Trump was nearly barred from attending the ceremony due to his hush-money trial in New York City.

Trump has been ordered to appear in court for the entirety of the trial, a move that was obviously taken to get Trump off the campaign trail.

However, Judge Juan Merchan wasn't brave enough to order Trump to miss his son's graduation as the public perception of the trial is already exceedingly low.

Political trial

The hush-money case against Trump was so weak that federal prosecutors refused to bring the case against Trump. That didn't stop Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg from bringing the charges against Trump as the opportunity for fame was too lucrative.

Bragg went from an unknown bureaucrat to a nationally notorious figure praised by the left and hated by the right for his partisan abuse of the justice system.

The aim was never conviction, but Democrats would love that, but rather Bragg's trial is designed to kneecap Trump's ability to campaign and and give President Biden an advantage in an election he is losing to Trump.

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