Fani Willis Files Appeals After Charges Against Donald Trump Dropped

 May 26, 2024

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has filed a last-ditch appeal after Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee dropped multiple indictments against former President Donald Trump.

Willis's case against Trump has fallen apart and McAfee's decision to drop multiple indictments against Trump has signaled that the former President has soundly crushed Willis and it is only a matter of time before the entire thing is over. 

This is the latest defeat for Willis who has had a terrible time ever since she announced her indictments against Trump and his allies over allegations of election interference following the 2020 presidential election.

Willis's indictment catapulted her to stardom among Democrats but that fame quickly faded as she faced setback after setback and convicting Trump became less and less likely.

Willis, like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, is going to find out what reward they will receive by failing to convict Trump ahead of a crucial election.

Trump Keeps Winning

While Willis's case is still functionally intact, the dismissal of six indictments is a serious blow that compounds the other setbacks Willis has suffered.

The indictments concerned charges of soliciting public officers to violate their oaths.

One count stems from a phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger which Democrats insisted was ironclad proof of Trump trying to steal the election in Georgia, which was a key swing state.

Now fast-forward years later and Judge McAfee has seen fit to trash that indictment alongside other high-profile charges against Trump.

Trump has steadily scored victory after victory in Georgia and Florida while facing sporadic setbacks in his New York hush-money trial.

However, the case against Trump in New York is objectively the weakest indictment. However, due to the leftist jury pool and a judge who has a conflict of interest, it's possible that Trump could be convicted.

Willis Files Appeal

Following Judge McAfee's decision to trash the indictments against Trump, Willis filed a notice of appeal but interestingly did not articulate a reason for the appeal.

It appears Willis doesn't have a good reason and simply filed her motion as a matter of procedure in order to keep the pressure off the rest of the indictment.

Delay has become the name of the game for both Trump and Willis. Trump has used delay tactics to kneecap momentum against him and Willis is now hoping to stave off an inevitable victory for Trump that will boost him ahead of November's election.

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