Documents suggest Hunter Biden repeatedly lied under oath

 May 24, 2024

Democrats simply can't catch a break, but maybe that's what happens when you lie, cheat, and steal to try to get what you want. Just a short while ago, we were all talking about the perjury charges that Michael Cohen was facing, but now we're talking about another case of perjury, this time surrounding Hunter Biden.

Townhall is reporting that a whistleblower has come forward with proof that Hunter Biden "repeatedly" lied under oath.

Representative Jason Smith was one of the first to go public with this observation.

Laying out the facts:

According to Smith, there are three lies that Hunter Biden told Congress:


Here's what Smith had to say about Hunter's infamous WhatsApp messages:

"First, Hunter Biden lied about the recipient of a WhatsApp message sent with the apparent intention to threaten a business associate and demand payment. In the message, Hunter Biden twice mentioned he was with his father. In the deposition, Hunter Biden sought to dismiss the message, claiming that he was either quote “high or drunk” when he sent it, and in that state, had sent it to the wrong Zhao, and not actually the one affiliated with the Chinese energy company, CEFC. Hunter claimed under oath that the recipient, quote “had no understanding or even remotely knew what
I was even
talking about.” However, phone records in front of the Committee today show Hunter Biden sent the message to the correct Chinese businessman by the name of Raymond Zhao who not only was affiliated with CEFC, but knew exactly what Hunter Biden was talking about."

"For several months, the pair messaged back and forth on the same phone numbers, and ultimately an affiliate of CEFC, Raymond Zhao’s company, sent $5 million to Hunter Biden and his associates just days after Hunter’s threatening message. These documents make clear that Hunter Biden was using his father’s name to shake down a Chinese businessman – and it worked. And when confronted by Congressional investigators about it, he lied," Smith added.


Hunter Biden lied about what businesses he was associated with:

"Hunter Biden lied when he claimed he was not the corporate secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai and that the shell company he established with Devon Archer and its associated bank accounts were not under his control nor affiliated with him."

Smith said that the truth is in Hunter's "own handwriting, and it is in front of our Committee today. On an official Rosemont Seneca Bohai document accepting yet another foreign payment, Hunter Biden wrote, ‘I, Robert Hunter Biden, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC.’ The Committee has also obtained evidence that shows Hunter Biden was, in fact, the beneficial owner of a bank account in the name of Rosemont Seneca Bohai."


Hunter Biden lied about who he helped get into this country. I guess he isn't the only Biden facing an immigration crisis.

"Hunter Biden lied during his deposition when he said he never helped individuals obtain U.S. visas," Smith claimed.

"The whistleblowers have provided an email to the Committee between Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, and Ukrainian associates in which Archer stated, ‘Hunter is checking with Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide cover to Kola on the visa.’ Kola, being the CEO of Burisma, Nikolay Zlochevsky and whose, the email also indicates, U.S. visa was revoked as there was concern about his foreign travel. These documents also confirm, again, that the IRS Whistleblowers have been telling the truth all along and include another example of the Department of Justice putting up roadblocks in this investigation."

What do you think about this story? Will anything happen to Hunter because he committed perjury, or will he face no consequences because of his last name?

Let us know your opinion by leaving us a comment in the discussion section below!

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