Dem Staffer Who Filmed Gay Sex Escapade In Hearing Room Is Fired

 December 17, 2023

Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the same Congress employee who filmed a pornographic video in the Senate hearing room has been fired from his job.

The office of Senator Ben Cardin released a recent statement on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, confirming the news:

“Aiden Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personal matter,” the statement read.

Good riddance.

In the video, Maese-Czeropski is seen in the video engaging in sexual acts with an unnamed man who is perched on a Senate hearing room table.

What did Aiden Maese-Czeropski have to say about the “leaked footage” he willingly participated in creating?

Maese-Czeropski took to LinkedIn, a platform for business professionals, to vent about the consequences of his own actions.

“This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda. While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace. Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and I will be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters,” Maese-Czeropski wrote in his post.

He has been attacked for WHO HE LOVES?

He's confused.

No, Aiden. You were fired for getting caught having sex in your place of business.

Also, the last we checked, someone who “respects their workplace,” doesn’t engage in sexual acts on the table where someone else of much higher authority sits.

This country used to be founded on morals like honesty and accountability.

Maese-Czeropski’s disregard for his own actions and blatant self-victimizing just proves how far America has fallen as a country.

He also took the time to discuss another allegation surrounding an interaction with Representative Max Miller.

“As for the accusations regarding Congressman Max Miller, I have never seen the congressman and had no opportunity or cause to yell or confront him,” Maese-Czeropski wrote.

That last little sentence is in regard to Congressman Max Miller, who is currently one of the two Jewish Republican members of Congress, recently identifying Maese-Czeropski as the same staffer who approached him and said “Free Palestine.”

Ali Vitali from NBC News called the interaction “blatant antisemitism.”

It seems to us that Maese-Czeropski has been out of control for quite some time.

We are glad to see him gone.

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