Alvin Bragg Announces New Indictment

 May 16, 2024

As if Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg doesn't have enough on his plate right now, he just added one thing: ANOTHER indictment, this time of attorney Analie Vargas for stealing legal fees from illegal immigrants trying to apply for permanent residence in the U.S.

Alvin Bragg was the man who many liberals were counting on to take down Donald Trump and prevent our former president from having the time, energy, and finances required to win Election Day 2024.

Quite frankly, Alvin Bragg has done a terrible job.

Bragg's entire case was essentially based around the testimony of two witnesses, and unfortunately for him, neither one of them have turned out to be anything but rotten liars.

Inconsistent stories

Stormy Daniels, the adult film actor who Donald Trump allegedly paid a hush money settlement to in order to not speak publicly about their affair, has flip-flopped on essentially every aspect of her story since things went public.

Just listen to Bill Maher, who doesn't exactly lean conservative, tear apart liberals for thinking that they can believe anything that the porn star says:

Stormy Daniels has been proved to be a liar, and that's a HUGE problem for Bragg, because his other star witness turned out to be a complete laughingstock as well.

Cohen failed

Michael Cohen was the other person who Alvin Bragg was counting on to make a strong case against Donald Trump, but to say that failed to happen would be a massive understatement.

Cohen is perhaps the biggest punchline in America right now, as evidence of how childish and petty he's been is being brought to light throughout this trial.

It's becoming more and more clear that Cohen is nothing but a clout-chaser, his title as a "fixer" only came about in the first place because he spent so much energy trying to repair the things he broke.

Despite all of that, Alvin Bragg thinks he can handle ANOTHER indictment right now?

Alvin's gone CRAZY

Donald Trump must be celebrating the indictment of Analie Vargas, who's criminal case is sure to take some of Bragg's attention away from Trump.

"Analie Vargas allegedly preyed on hopeful New Yorkers of all backgrounds who trusted her to help them apply for permanent residence," Alvin Bragg said. "Instead of filing their applications with the fees they provided, she allegedly pocketed the money for herself, spending it on food, travel, and other personal expenses."

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