'Wow. This is brutal': Household net worth leaving analysts stunned

 May 20, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The inflation that has hit American consumers since Joe Biden was elected has surpassed 19%, leaving households struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table in many cases.

Kamala Harris boasted about how the administration has been pushing programs that cause that inflation, citing its trillion-dollar spending packages.

Specifically, the Biden administration's success at "dropping trillions of dollars on streets of America."

But a new report, from the Wall Street Journal, reveals just how devastating Biden's agenda has proven for Americans.

During President Donald Trump's first three years in office, household net worth, adjusted for inflation, was up 16%.

For Biden, that figure is 0.7%.

Before inflation, that figure rose 23% during Trump's first three years, while it was 19% for Biden. But factoring in inflation documents how Biden's policies have damaged the nation.

"This explains why people are feeling crushed -- because they are, whether Joe Biden admits it or not. You can see it still goes up for a bit after Biden comes in, still riding off Trump's economy. But it levels out, and then takes a dive when the Bidenomics and inflation start kicking in," explained a report at RedState.

It turns out, in his way, Biden had tried to warn Americans of what was going to show up with his work on the economy.

The report noted the economy is one of the most important issues for voters during an election.

"Biden's take on the whole thing? Well, the polls are wrong and Americans just don't get it," RedState reported, "However, telling Americans they're dumb and what they feel in their wallets isn't real hasn't been a winning strategy for him so far. But Joe Biden isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the drawer."

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