'Worst crimes': Famous legal mind says Fani Willis should be on trial

 April 4, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A legal expert who long has offered analysis on courtroom fights involving politics across America says Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has committed the "worst crimes" he's witnessed in public prosecutions.

Willis created a series of organized crime allegations against President Donald Trump for his comments regarding the suspect 2020 presidential election results.

And she hired her lover, at a cost to taxpayers of nearly $700,000, to push those claims in court. When she was accused of operating her office with blatant conflicts of interest, as it appears she benefited from her hiring of Nathan Wade, a judge recently ruled that there was an aura of lying, but she could remain on the case if Wade was fired. He left.

The comments are from retired Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, long a left-leaning activist.

The Gateway Pundit reported he said, "She ought to be on trial for perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, witness tampering. The evidence is overwhelming that she committed perjury, including technical scientific evidence and several witnesses."

It was Georgia Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee who said Willis could continue the case but only if Wade was gone.

Dershowitz criticized the decision to let Willis continue.

"Essentially, she got kickbacks for appointing this highly unqualified person to head the prosecution. I sure hope the appellate court takes the case and throws her out of the case and recommends that there be a criminal investigation … we have to have an independent prosecutor of some kind looking into what is an open and shut case of perjury."

Willis was accused of taking vacations to exotic locations with Wade as he was being paid vast sums, at her instruction, for his work, but Willis said in court she repaid Wade for the trips in cash, and there was no record.

Dershowitz, the report said, also criticized a New York judge handling another case against Trump, because Juan Merchan has issued orders to "protect his own daughter," a Democrat activist.

"Talk about a conflict of interest. The law is very clear if the judge, for example, is sitting on a case where his daughter could benefit financially, of course, the judge would have to disclose that and recuse himself. And of course, the defendant would have the right to point that out."

In a separate report, the New York Post noted Wade, now gone from Willis' anti-Trump case, now has been accused of failing to make child support and pay for medical procedures for his former wife.

That divorce case erupted while he apparently was engaged in an affair with Willis.

"Jocelyn Wade accused her former husband Wednesday of refusing to hand over child support payments for their two kids, leaving them without money to pay rent and take care of Jocelyn’s medical issues," the report said.

A court filing stated, "Defendant urgently requires medical procedures, namely an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and ultrasound, due to severe physical symptoms she has been enduring."

The filing describes her condition as needing "emergency intervention."

He had reached a divorce agreement in order to avoid testifying in court about his relationship with Willis, but the report said he now has reneged on those commitments.

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