Woke madness: Now 'blacklisted' gets blacklisted for absurd reason

 March 27, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Bureaucrats in the American government are planning a new censorship campaign, one that would ban words that are "hurtful" to Muslims, such as "jihadist."

Also in the bull's eye are terms like "blacklisted," "cakewalk" and many more.

It is the Washington Free Beacon reporting Joe Biden's Office of the Director of National Intelligence has revealed its "woke" agenda to eliminate terms that "offend Muslims and foment racism against employees."

Banned would be "Islamic terrorists," "brown bag," "grandfathered," and "sanity check."

The report explains the thought process behind the censorship includes that "jihadist" offends Muslims and "black-listed" "implies black is bad and white is good."

"'Cakewalk' is said to refer 'to a dance performed by slaves for slave owners on plantation grounds,'" the report said.

The new speech demands are included in a language guide produced internally by the bureaucracy.

The report explained, "The document is the latest example of how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives inside the American government are reshaping how employees speak to one another and perform their national security jobs. Critics describe these programs as part of a 'woke' cultural shift promoted by far-left activists and their allies in the Biden administration. Republicans in Congress are looking to strip millions in federal funding for DEI programs across the military and other agencies, arguing they fundamentally harm the country’s national security operations across the globe."

"U.S. intelligence officials are being trained to use terms that don't 'disparage' China or Islamic terrorists. Wokeness is a gift to our adversaries," charged Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., of the House Armed Services Committee.

The internal magazine agenda explained its ideology: "What we say can make or break rapport, elevate or tarnish a reputation, and even support or refute a narrative. As employees of the [intelligence community], our work and our words are forever etched in history and speak volumes to the important work we carry out in service of the greater good. It is paramount that we are cognizant about the terminology we use in every aspect of our duties."

Insiders claimed "trainings and official presentations" conflated Islamists with terrorism, and called that "offensive."

The recommendations are a product of discussions among "nine diversity advisory committees" inside the intelligence apparatus.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said in response that using generic terminology can interfere with safety and security operations.

"October 7 was carried out by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. That is an inconvenient fact to the language, commissars, who I presume want to edit out the word Islamic from the name of the terrorist group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad," he said. "If the intelligence community has no idea, and refuses to acknowledge what is happening, it means they will be utterly ineffective in fighting against it and keeping Americans and our allies safe."

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