Who are biggest shoplifters in U.S.? FBI displays 'white female models'

 February 27, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

On its website, the FBI calls "Organized Retail Theft" a "$30 billion-a-year industry."

Reports of the growth in that industry have come from literally all over America, and they exploded after the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd as race riots flooded the nation and destroyed many city centers. Often the thefts have hit the video on the evening news when gangs of offenders invade a single store, simply grab merchandise, and run out.

Sometimes the thieves walk out, unafraid of anything the store operators might want to do.

The FBI site quotes Special Agent Eric Ives in explaining its "Violent Crimes/Major Offenders Unit" "specifically focuses on the most significant retail theft cases involving the interstate transportation of stolen property."

The bureau warns such crime can generate profits "to fund other crimes – such as organized crime activities, health care fraud, money laundering, and potentially even terrorism."

"The organizations responsible for much of this crime include South American theft groups, Mexican criminal groups, Cuban criminal groups from South Florida, and Asian street gangs from California," the FBI warns.

But when it took to social media to promote its agenda, it used two young, white models to portray those thieves.

And that prompted a social media backlash.

Explained The Gateway Pundit, "The FBI decided to use two WHITE female models to assure the public they were focused on stopping retail theft. When was the last time anyone saw a mob of white girls stealing from Target or CVS? This politically correct nonsense was not lost on social media users, who proceeded to destroy the FBI online."

The Gateway Pundit explained, "The corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened itself up to incredible ridicule online with a post boasting about combatting organized retail theft. As Gateway Pundit readers know, looting has become a national crisis thanks to far-left prosecutors in major cities refusing to prosecute retail theft crimes in the name of 'social justice.' Businesses from San Francisco to Washington D.C. are either closing or moving because the young thieves keep stealing their items while law enforcement does nothing. The hard truth is primarily young people of color are committing retail thefts as part of organized flash mobs, though the media conveniently avoids addressing this fact."

That organization's headline said it all: "Social media users obliterate the FBI after it uses two WHITE female models to boast they’re combatting looting by organized gangs."

One comment, from Tony Kinnett, suggested, "Guys there just weren't any photos of the actual lootings to choose from trust me."

And, "Clearly the shoplifting epidemic is being led by well-dressed white women in their 20s named Katelynn."

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