Whistleblowers will testify against Fani Willis

 February 12, 2024

Multiple whistleblowers are preparing to testify against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, Fox News reports.  

This information comes from Georgia state lawmakers, who have launched an investigation into Willis.


Willis is the district attorney who is prosecuting former President Donald Trump over allegations that he and his associates committed crimes when they attempted to challenge Georgia's results in the 2020 presidential election.

Now, however, it is Willis herself who is facing several allegations.

State lawmakers in Georgia are investigating the accusation that Willis has improperly misused federal and state funds.

This particular accusation regards the revelation that Willis hired her paramour - Nathan Wade - to prosecute Trump, a relationship to which Willis has since admitted. It has further been alleged that Wade used some of the funds that Willis gave him to take Willis on trips.

Then, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are investigating a separate allegation that Willis misused funds that she has received from the Biden administration.

Whistleblowers are ready to testify

It was Georgia state Sen. Bill Cowsert (R) who revealed, on Friday, that multiple whistleblowers are ready to testify in their investigation against Willis. The whistleblowers are said to come from Willis's office.

"Republican state Sen. Bill Cowsert opened a meeting of the state Senate Special Committee on investigations with a bombshell revelation that multiple whistleblowers from the Fulton County DA's office have come forward to testify against their boss," Fox reports.

The outlet adds, "He said they allege Willis misused state and federal funds — allegations that come after the embattled DA admitted to having a relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade that critics have called 'improper.'"

"This is not a . . . witch hunt"

Willis has attempted to push back on all allegations, insisting that they are driven by politics.

Regarding the allegation involving Wade, for example, Willis called them "salacious" and without "merit." This is despite the fact that Willis has admitted - in court documents - to having had a relationship with Wade.

Regarding the federal allegations, Willis has claimed:

These false allegations are included in baseless litigation filed by a holdover employee from the previous administration who was terminated for cause. The courts that have ruled found no merit in these claims. We expect the same result in any pending litigation.

Cowsert insisted, on Friday, that state lawmakers' investigation of Willis "is not a political witch hunt." Rather, he said it "is a quest for the truth."

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