West warned globalist totalitarians seeking to euthanize it

 January 29, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

There have been “monstrous tragedies” in world history that have cost “a couple hundred million lives.”

Those include Lenin’s Soviet Union and Stalin’s Iron Curtain, Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China, and Pol Pot’s Cambodia.

It IS the story of Kim’s North Korea, and the ayatollahs of Iran.

”For over a century, humanity has endured one form of barbarous totalitarianism after the next. It slithers into unsuspecting countries — often hiding behind the mask of democratic elections. It misrepresents itself as just one political party of many before announcing itself as the only party for all. It seeks to eliminate opponents in stages: first, it proselytizes, then it intimidates, and finally, it murders,” explained a commentary by J.B. Shurk at The American Thinker.

”It is a governing philosophy that specializes in mass executions, dank prison cells, killing fields, and concentration camps. Totalitarianism infiltrates society with lies and builds nothing but the machinery of death,” he said.

And his warning is blunt: “With the Earth still wet from so much blood, Western governments now seek to turn the twenty-first century into the twentieth century’s even bloodier reflection.

”It is humbling to realize that we humans repeat so many mistakes through the course of history. It is infuriating, however, to watch today’s political leaders push humanity down the same paths that led to such monstrous tragedies in the recent past. When will the lesson be learned that censorship of opposing points of view leads to irreparable social division? When will governments grasp that coercion only intensifies the human desire to be free? When will courts realize that two-tiered justice and political persecution ensure the rule of law’s demise? How many more lives must be lost before those who exercise power understand that tyranny always leads to terror?”

He described the looming “totalitarianism as the “warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists. It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties, and forced sacrifices. It warms its victims with intoxicating promises of the government’s false love. It leaves the citizen naked — stripped first of his free will, then the thoughts in his head, and finally anything he once called his own.”

He warned destruction comes through a “party” that says it is just one of many, “before announcing itself as the only party for all.”

Then it uses mass executions, killing fields and more to build “nothing but the machinery of death.”

Totalitarianism triggered World War II, the Cold War, and the Nazi ideology.

”If any nation of people should have learned the harsh repercussions of totalitarianism, it is Germany,” he wrote. “Instead, today’s German leaders seek to ban opposition political parties and silence dissent. They micromanage economic activity under the dangerous propaganda campaign of ‘climate change.’ They disrupt social cohesion and cultural unity by opening Germany’s borders to illegal aliens from unassimilable civilizations. They use the horrors of their past to slander political protesters as ‘fascists.’ Nearly a century ago, German Nazis rose to power by dehumanizing much of Europe. Now their ideological descendants dehumanize those who oppose growing German totalitarianism by ironically branding them as Nazis. “

In this setting, “German Klaus Schwab has built the World Economic Forum as an engine for making oppressive government universal,” he charged.

”It is a strange sight to see Western nations send their parliamentary leaders, foreign ministers, military generals, and prominent business executives to Schwab’s WEF powwows, where they may organize how best to dominate and manipulate their respective national populations without even the pretense of a democratic mandate or constitutional legitimacy.”

He concluded the “most pungent indicator that Western totalitarianism has returned” is the WEF’s insistence that it is battling “threats” to democracy.

”There is nothing ‘democratic’ about labeling dissent as ‘disinformation.’ There is nothing ‘democratic’ about conspiring with tech companies to censor public debate as ‘hate speech.’ There is nothing ‘democratic’ about imposing top-down ‘climate change’ regulations that do nothing other than strip private property rights and centralize economic control. There is nothing ‘democratic’ about mandating what farmers may grow, what meats may be eaten, what people may own, what words can be said, or what experimental ‘vaccines’ are required to work,” he warned.

He called WEF a “totalitarian machine” that undermines the West and offers an “existential threat to human rights.

” WEF-ers such as Bill Gates, Al Gore, and John Kerry think so little of ordinary people that they terrorize them with scientifically fraudulent warnings of a looming ‘climate change’ apocalypse built around the preposterous notion that poor and middle-class communities can be saved only if they hand over their private property, live in tiny cubicle apartments in fifteen-minute cities, abandon any fondness for personal freedom, and subsist on a diet of bugs,” he charged.

But people will rebel, he warned.

”Because Klaus Schwab’s evil club has effectively disenfranchised the people, there is now a growing popular revolt throughout the West that could easily combust into an anti-Establishment ‘Reign of Terror.’”

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