WATCH: Video reveals shocking result of bureaucrats' attack on farmers

 February 1, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new video reveals the impact on consumers, in this case in France, when bureaucrats adopt climate ideology such as pesticide bans that pose a threat to the livelihoods of farmers.

It's empty shelves in food stores.

Lots of empty shelves, broken only occasionally by a single package, or a few small packages, of food.

According to a report from ABC, the crisis soon could be receding.

That's because two major farmers' unions announced they would lift the nationwide blockades after government officials proposed new ideas to protect the farmers.

The report explained before the newly reported breakthrough, farmers snarled traffic along major highways, especially around Paris, and had promised to stay there another day.

Their demands were a commitment, in writing, from the government, to help.

"We don’t want to hear words of love. What we want is proof of love," explained Thierry Desforges, a farm union member who was assisting at a blockade just south of Paris.

The demonstrations have developed over the past few weeks because of what the farmers have characterized as low earnings, too many rules, and unfair competition from overseas.

Gabriel Attal, the prime minister, had failed to defuse the problem earlier, then then this week announced new concessions, including tens of millions of euros in aid, and tax breaks.

And critically, his plan included a promise not to ban pesticides.

That climate agenda point, farmers charged, would produce unfair competition, as growers outside of France still could use what they could not.

The concessions prompted Arnaud Rousseau of France’s biggest farmers union, FNSEA, and Young Farmers Union chief Arnaud Gaillot to suggest to members they suspend their protests.

The report expanded, "Attal promised there would be no new pesticide ban 'without a solution' and said no pesticides would be banned in France that are authorized elsewhere in the EU. Also, Attal announced that France was banning, starting immediately, imports of fruits and vegetables coming from outside the EU that have been treated with Thiaclopride — an insecticide currently banned in the bloc."


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