WATCH: Video of man firing gun into air on Jan. 6 raises more questions

 February 14, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

There long have been suspicions that there were a multitude of federal agents at the U.S. Capitol during that riot on Jan. 6, 2021, egging on protesters who eventually did break a few doors and windows and left behind other evidence of vandalism.

The fact the federal government repeatedly has refused to provide details about those provocateurs just adds to the concern there was such an agenda.

Now there's another situation that raises eyebrows: A man apparently climbing a scaffolding and firing a handgun into the air on the fateful day, but no evidence of his eventual arrest.

NBC outlines the details stemming from "newly unearthed footage from Jan. 6."

It "appears to show a rioter — a man identified in an NBC News story nearly two years ago — firing a gun into the air outside the Capitol during the attack. Online sleuths who have aided in hundreds of Jan. 6 prosecutions say he is the same man they identified to the FBI, who is currently individual no. 200 on the bureau's Capitol Violence page, which he first appeared on three years ago. Videos and photographs from the Capitol on Jan. 6 showed him with what appears to be a gun in his waistband. As NBC News previously reported, that man, John Emanuel Banuelos, told Salt Lake City police that he was at the Capitol and had been captured on film with a gun. 'I was in the D.C. riots,' he told the investigators, according to a police transcript. 'I'm the one in the video with the gun right here.'"

But, the report noted, he's not been arrested or charged in any way for actions on that day.

The report said Salt Lake City police did arrest him in connection with a fatal stabbing of Christopher Thomas Senn on July 4, 2021, but he later claimed self-defense and was released.

The report noted, according to police transcripts, when he was arrested he told police, "Man, should I just tell the FBI to come get me or what?"

The report explained the video appears to show Banuelos firing a gun into the air – twice – while a crowd milled around outside the Capitol that day.

The reported noted the footage was the first showing a rioter firing a gun that day.

This was just a few minutes before a police officer shot and killed an unarmed Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol.

The report explained the video was released by Derrick Evans, a former West Virginia legislator who now is running for Congress.

The report continued, "Informed by NBC News that the man he posted a video of had been identified, Evans told NBC News that he thought it was 'fishy' that Banuelos wasn't arrested. While Banuelos has an extensive online history of being a Trump supporter, Evans described him as an 'agitator' and said he thinks he might be a federal agent."

report at Breitbart explained, "The news comes on the heels of former President Donald Trump’s legal team battling claims of Trump inciting 'insurrection,' which some states — namely, Colorado — are using to try to kick him off the ballot. However, the Supreme Court argument forecasts a major victory for Trump in the Colorado case 'after the beating the lawyers against him received Thursday from the justices."

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