WATCH: Trump at trial: 'This is all coming from the Biden White House'

 April 16, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

On Day Two of his hush-money trial in New York City on Tuesday, President Donald Trump said:

"This is a trial that should have never been brought. I say a trial that is being looked at all over the world is calling. They are looking at it and analyzing it. Every legal pundit and every legal scholar said this trial is a disgrace.

"We have a Trump-hating judge. We have a judge who shouldn't be in this case. He is conflicted. But this is a trial that should never happen. It should have been thrown out a long time ago.

"If you look at Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, all great legal scholars, there is not one that we've been able to find that says there should be a trial. I called a -- I was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense some accountant I didn't know, marked it down as a legal expense. That's exactly what it was. And you get indicted over that?

"I should be right now in Pennsylvania, in Florida, in many other states, North Carolina, Georgia, campaigning.

"This is all coming from the Biden White House 'cause the guy can't put two sentences together. He can't campaign. He is using this to try and win an election. And it is not working that way, it's working the opposite way. Check it out. It is called legal expense. That's what you are supposed to call it.

"Nobody has ever seen anything like it. So thank you very much for coming. I am now going to sit down for many hours. The voters understand it. All you have to do is look at the polls. This is a sham trial and the judge should recuse himself because he's conflicted. Thank you very much."

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