WATCH: New ad has police chasing girls to take pregnancy test

 April 23, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A common-sense parental rights protection that is being adopted by states in the wake of the fall of the unconstitutional Roe abortion "rights" precedent now is under attack by the leftist ideology of California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

He's released an ad portraying two girls being stopped by a police officer and ordered to take a pregnancy test.

The concept in the laws, already in place in Idaho and being considered in others, is that it should be criminal to take someone else's child out of state for an abortion. Such bans target directly situations where abusers attack and rape young girls, then force them into abortions to continue abusing and raping.

Leftist legacy media outlets have portrayed opposing that as a bad thing.

One report noted, "Newsom's Campaign for Democracy ad is set to air in Alabama starting Monday."

The ad claims "Republicans are trying to criminalize young women's travel to receive abortion care. We cannot let them get away with this."

It shows two "young women" heading for a state line until they hear a siren.

"Trump Republicans want to criminalize young Alabama women who travel for reproductive care," a voice on the ad states. A trooper then walks up to the car and demands, "Miss, I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle and take a pregnancy test."

That report claims such travel restrictions for minors are part of an effort to criminalize travel by "women" to another state for abortions.

Newsom previously has participated in other pro-abortion campaigns, using ads and billboards.

Jack Posobioec a commentator, activist, and senior editor at Human Events, caught the new ad, and noted, "Newsom just released a new ad saying Trump is going to order police to stop women crossing state lines and force them to take pregnancy tests."

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