Washington Post unleashes on TRUMP's chances of dementia

 March 20, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

That Joe Biden is declining mentally has been obvious, through his stumbles, stutters, blunders, and mistakes, for several years already.

The government recently confirmed it, when special counsel Robert Hur found evidence Biden "willfully" kept classified government documents from his years as senator and vice president in his home, and recommended against charging him because of his "diminished" capabilities.

He opined that a jury would see him as a senior citizen with a failing memory and might not convict him on charges that required a showing of intent.

Now the Washington Post has published a piece containing thousands of words suggesting President Donald Trump soon could be suffering from dementia, too.

At Off the Press was the headline, "Washington Post raises Trump dementia in the story about his father."

It focuses largely on the dementia diagnosis of Trump's father, Fred Trump Sr., during his late 80s and for several years before he died at age 93. Donald Trump now is 77.

The report explained Trump is among those who have suggested Biden, now 81, already is "cognitively impaired."

Meanwhile, Trump has confirmed "acing" the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a basic test that flags signs of early dementia, even though he did not release details.

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, the former White House physician, reported just last month he had administered the test to Trump in 2018, and Trump just months ago released a physician's statement that he was in excellent health and his "cognitive exams were exceptional."

The Post cites multiple people commenting about the situation involving Trump's father, who was diagnosed in his late '80s.

In a 1997 interview with a magazine, Donald Trump confirmed, "Turning 50 does make you think about mortality, or immortality, or whatever. … It does hit you."

The Post claimed, "Trump’s long fixation on mental fitness followed years of watching his father’s worsening dementia — a formative period that some associates said has been a defining and little-mentioned factor in his life, and which left him with an abiding concern that he might someday inherit the condition."

A former senior executive at the Trump Organization, not identified, said in the report, "Donald is no doubt fearful of Alzheimer’s."

The report admits Biden's inability to remember the names of the leaders of other nations and says Trump was "confusing" candidate Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi.

But Trump's campaign has promised he "would take another cognitive test if Biden does the same," the report said.

"President Trump believes all presidents should take the test," the campaign said.

The Post continued, "The issue has also come to the fore after Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who investigated Biden’s handling of classified material, said the president is an 'elderly man with a poor memory' — a claim strongly disputed by the White House."

The White House tried to have that report changed before its release.

Biden spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden's physicians claimed he "doesn’t need a cognitive test."

The report also details a Trump family dispute that developed over the family estate, and Donald Trump's financial ups and downs, alleging, "That's when Trump sought to change his father's will."

The family fight over the estate was filed in court but settled under a nondisclosure agreement.

Just last month, on social media, Trump wrote about cognitive tests, 'I took two of them and ACED them both (no mistakes!). All presidents, or people wanting to become president, should mandatorily take this test!"

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