Voters: Feds have double standard for Trump, Biden document cases

 March 15, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The federal government has had two cases involving the possession of classified documents in the headlines after it decided simply to drop the issue of the fact that former Vice President Mike Pence was involved in a similar situation.

One is that President Donald Trump had documents in his Florida home, paperwork from his presidency that he had the authority to declassify.

The other is Joe Biden's possession in multiple locations, including his home and an unsecured garage, of boxes of classified papers that he used in helping a ghostwriter work on a project for which he was paid millions.

The case against Trump resulted in a long list of felony charges; the special counsel reviewing Biden's probable criminal acts said he wouldn't recommend charging him because of his failing memory and other "diminished" capabilities.

Now a poll shows that American voters clearly see that as a double standard, a favorable treatment of one person and an attack on another not because of what they did but because of who they are.

"To start with, I&I/TIPP asked the poll’s 1,419 respondents whether they were following the Hur investigation 'very closely,' 'somewhat closely,' 'not very closely,' 'not at all closely,' and 'not sure,'" the polling organization said.

"Only those responding with the first two answers, 'very closely' or 'somewhat closely,' were counted. That totaled 568 people or roughly 40% of all those who took the poll."

Sixty-nine percent said it was "lenient" for special counsel Robert Hur to recommend against charging Biden over his actions.

The poll said, "Here’s where it gets interesting. Among Democrats, 69% called Biden’s treatment 'lenient,' while 27% disagreed. But only 50% of Republicans agreed, while 46% disagreed. Independents broke 53% agree, 39% disagree."

Then a follow-up asked voters to compare the cases, and 62% said the DOJ was "more lenient" to Biden than President Trump. Even a plurality of Democrats, 47%, saw that.

"Across all political parties, there was either a plurality or outright majority saying that DOJ had played favorites in how it charged the two likely candidates for president. For Democrats, it was 47% saying Biden’s treatment was more lenient than Trump’s, while 33% said Trump’s treatment was more lenient. For Republicans, the same questions elicited 79% saying Biden got more lenient treatment, versus just 16% saying Trump did. Independents came in at 59% Biden and 21% Trump," the polling explained.

"In short, Americans focused on Hur’s investigation of Biden’s mishandling of classified documents are mostly convinced that the Department of Justice’s efforts show a clear double standard when applying federal law in this case," the report said.

Further, the report said, the DOJ refused to hand over documents from Hur's investigation of Biden that Congress considering a Biden impeachment case requested.

So the poll asked, "To what extent do you agree or disagree? The transcript of Special Counsel Hur’s interview with President Biden must be released to the public."

A full 85% said they agreed strongly or somewhat, and that included a large majority of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.

Meanwhile, the disparity remains: No charges are likely against Biden over his willful retention of classified documents, which he did not, at the time, have authority to declassify, while Trump's case is moving forward in federal court.

And that already is giving rise to defense arguments that Trump is being "selectively prosecuted," the report said. "Americans clearly see an imbalance in how Biden and Trump have been treated in this case, which could well have an impact on the outcome of the 2024 election."

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