Vivek Ramaswamy: Jan. 6 was government 'entrapment'

 December 14, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is charging that the January 6 protest-turned-riot at the U.S. Capitol, for which thousands of Americans have been charged, convicted, and jailed, was "entrapment."

He says the government not only has lied about that scenario, it also has lied about a long list of other issues.

His comments were reported by Real Clear Politics after his interview with CNN's Abby Phillips:

He said, "I want to tell you guys where I'm at. If you had told me -- it's close to three years ago that January 6, 2021, happened. If you told me back when I was a biotech CEO, not steeped in this world. I was consuming passive media but was focused on my world of developing medicines. If you told me January 6th was in any way an inside job, the subject of government entrapment, I would have told you that was crazy talk. Fringe conspiracy theory nonsense.

"I can tell you having gone somewhat deep into this, it's not. The reality is this. We do have a government that we have knowledge of that has lied to us systematically over the last several years about the origin of COVID-19, about the Hunter Biden laptop we were told was false by 51 CIA experts and otherwise before we know it was true. You can go straight down the list, the Trump-Russia disinformation collusion hoax. All of it. Now we come to January 6th. The reality is we know that there were federal law enforcement agents in the field. We don't know how many."

The evidence does show that many law enforcement agents were embedded in the crowd of Trump supporters who heard him speak and then went to the Capitol to protest what they considered to be a stolen election.

In fact, evidence later revealed that the results were the target of undue influence through the $400 plus million that Mark Zuckerberg handed out, through foundations, to officials who often used the cash windfall to recruit voters who would support Joe Biden.

Further, the FBI decided to interfere in the voting, by telling media corporations to suppress accurate – but devastatingly bad – details about the Biden business enterprises that were documented in a laptop computer that Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop,

After the election, polling documented that that issue alone probably took the election away from President Trump and gave it to Joe Biden.

The Real Clear report noted "Ramaswamy and moderator CNN host Abby Phillip spoke over each other several times with the presidential candidate reminding her several times that she would be uncomfortable because the 'establishment doesn't approve of this message.'"

Phillips claimed there was "no evidence" that federal agents were among the crowd on January 6, even though that's more or less documented by now.

Ramaswamy told her, "We have to do the truth here," and said the situation involved "entrapment."

He pointed out the government's agenda to "suppress footage" that now has come to light.

That revealed details like a Capitol door left open and unattended for protesters to enter, officers holding doors open for other protesters, even escorting some protesters around the Capitol, and even police agents exhorting protesters to enter.

The government even has charged, and convicted, some people who weren't even at the protest that day.

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