Vibrations, a crash, flames and smoke: A new threat from wind towers

 January 16, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

We already know that those wind turbines poking hundreds of feet into the air regularly slice and dice birds, including endangered species. Those situated in the ocean are suspected of injuring whales.

There's also a concern, supported by communities across the U.S., that the whirling blades could aggravate health conditions including seizures, headaches, nausea, through the droning sound, and more.

And pilots of small aircraft used for general aviation purposes probably can relate horror stories about them.

But now an entirely new threat has surfaced: The vibration, crash, flames, and smoke when one of those towers fails entirely, sending the windmill blades plummeting to earth.

report from TheLobby documented such a case in the town of Peetz in northeast Colorado.

There, a turbine collapsed and exploded, sending smoke and flames shooting into the air and alarming nearby residents.

There were no injuries reported from the catastrophe at the remote location. And the fire was addressed by volunteer fire departments from Peetz and Crook.

Local resident Jean Meyer captured images of the failure.

The report revealed workers for Invenergy of Chicago, which runs the site for owner ClearWay Energy, were dispatched.

And it said Fire Chief Steven Schumacher of Peetz said it was the first such collapse in this area, also a tower in Fleming, a short drive away, did collapse in 2022.

Logan County Emergency Manager Jerry Casebolt humorously said in the report that had the turbine fallen in a northerly direction, it could have landed in Nebraska.

The report explained Meyer described how her family initially disregarded a loud noise coming from the unit, and how the ground shook when it fell.

The reason for the collapse was under investigation but was not thought to be weather-related, the report said.

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