University trashes 1st Amendment with diversity demands

 December 23, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new report promises that there will be "legal action" if a school doesn't do anything to correct a situation where it is trashing the First Amendment in pursuit of its "diversity" ideology.

The report is from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty which explains the problem is with the University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse.

WILL confirmed it is working with the Mountain States Legal Foundation to prepare a challenge to the school's decision to refuse a conservative group, Young America's Foundation, recognition as a student organization.

Dan Lennington, a lawyer for WILL, explained, "We are now seeing the fruits of UW’s radical DEI agenda: students forced to adopt UW-approved beliefs before receiving benefits. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment. Make no mistake, WILL is ready to challenge discriminatory DEI policies everywhere and anywhere. The school must correct this action, or we are prepared to take further legal action."

WILL charges that the school is discriminating by refusing YAL designation "because the student organization rightfully refuses to sign onto a "DEI inclusivity statement that opposes YAF's values."

The DEI agenda includes "diversity, equity and inclusion" and is based on racist ideals that condemn whites and tradition in favor of special privileges for minorities and the concept that everyone should have an equal result, not just an equal opportunity.

The legal team explained UW-La Crosse is denying recognition of YAF as a student organization until and unless it adopts the school's racist ideologies, a document, WILL explained, is "riddled with recitation of certain political and social policy positions dictated by UW. Some of these statements include a commitment to advancing the interests of individuals who lack 'documentation' to be legally present in the United States and requiring student groups to state their opposition to the enforcement of valid immigration laws currently in the United States."

WILL also noted the school demands students be "committed" to "issues of equity and justice" through racist policies that are contrary, in fact, to Supreme Court precedent.

James Kerwin, of the MSLF, said, "Universities are supposed to be havens for free inquiry and expression. But, like many schools nationwide, UW is going in the opposite direction: outlawing speech and trying to force dissenters to shut up and tow the party line. YAF and MSLF are having none of it. Government actors like UWL have no business whatsoever telling YAF or any other student group what beliefs it must have and what positions it must take on social issues."

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