U.S. senator: If N.Y. were a foreign country, it would face sanctions

 June 4, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

One senator has delivered a devastating condemnation of New York City after a jury in the leftist enclave where nine of 10 voted against President Donald Trump delivered a guilty verdict to business reporting crime allegations against him by a Democrat prosecutor.

"If New York was a foreign country, America would sanction them for the weaponization of the legal system, their political opponents, and rigging election outcomes," explained Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

He was appearing recently on Meet the Press, and his comments on the topic were at about the 5:00 mark:

The case was over the legal expenses Trump had in dealing with a porn star's allegations about him during the 2016 election. Trump eventually paid "hush money" to silence the story, a move that is not illegal.

A lawyer working for him at the time handled the issue and was reimbursed by Trump, and it is the recording of those legal fees that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg claimed were felonies.

The actual counts were misdemeanors, and the statute of limitations had expired, but Bragg brought them to court anyway, as felonies, by claiming they were done in pursuit of another crime – and the judge, Juan Merchan, said the jury didn't have to agree on that further crime allegation to reach a "unanimous" verdict.

The Gateway Pundit noted Cotton pointed out the failures of the court system in the Trump case.

NBC host Peter Alexander complained that it was Trump who was campaigning to weaponize the justice system against Joe Biden.

But Cotton pointed out Trump said, "his so-called retribution will be a success, success at the ballot box and then restoring peace and prosperity."

Alexander insisted then that Trump wasn't sincere about the issue.

"In 2016 when so many people insisted that Hillary Clinton should face criminal charges for doing exactly what Donald Trump was wrongly accused of doing, which is mischaracterizing legal expenses as something else, remember she paid for the dirty Russian dossier that characterizes legal expenses. She paid a fine to the FEC," Cotton patiently explained. "Donald Trump specifically said he would not prosecute Hillary Clinton because that’s not what we do in America. What the Democrats have done in New York is like something that would happen in Pakistan or Brazil. It’s something that America would sanction another country for for engaging in election interference."

Cotton continued, "If New York was a foreign country, America would sanction them for the weaponization of the legal system, their political opponents, and rigging election outcomes."

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