U.S. city grabs $1 million Zuckerbucks right before vote taken on making it illegal

 March 25, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Officials in the city of Milwaukee have decided to grab $1 million Zuckerbucks just as voters in the state of Wisconsin are considering whether to make that move a violation of the state constitution.

Zuckerbucks are a reference to the $400 million plus handed out by Mark Zuckerberg during the 2020 election. It was turned over to elections officials – outside of any election reporting system – and they often used it to recruit Democrat voters.

It is thought to be one of two significant vote influence operations that affected the 2020 results, the other being the FBI's interference when it told media corporations to suppress accurate reporting about Biden family scandals documented in a computer abandoned by Hunter Biden.

A report from Just the News said "the Milwaukee Election Commission and the Milwaukee Public Library received a $250,000 grant, while the commission received a separate $785,850 grant from the nonprofit Cities Forward for election administration.

Milwaukee also took and spent Zuckerbucks during the 2020 race and took the new money just as voters – in just weeks – will decide on a constitutional amendment that would ban such private money in elections.

Just the News reported, "In November, the Wisconsin state legislature passed a resolution to amend the state constitution to ban the private funding of election administration, which voters will decide whether to approve on April 2. Louisiana is the only other state to have banned 'Zuckerbucks' via constitutional amendment."

Among the foreboding details of the grant projects is that the city took nearly $38,000 for a text messaging service that will let officials warn voters about "misinformation."

That, of course, is subject to a political slant because a Democrat official's perspective on "misinformation" might be based solely on political considerations, not facts.

"Milwaukee Election Commission Executive Director Claire Woodall told Urban Milwaukee earlier this month that the text messaging service is for the election commission 'to make sure any information anyone in the city is having about voting is accurate and broken down in a way that anyone can understand,' and that well-intentioned groups can still provide guidance that is inaccurate or difficult to understand," the report warned.

The report noted this private funding is similar to what the Center for Tech and Civic Life did in 2020 across the nation.

A House investigation of the 2020 Zuckerbucks revealed not even 1% of the funds were spent on personal protective equipment, even though the idea was to make voting safer during COVID.

"Most of the funds were focused on get-out-the-vote efforts and registrations. Controversy ensued in part due to the disproportionate private funding 'Zuckerbucks' funneled to Democratic jurisdictions," the report said.

Since then, 27 states have restricted – or banned – the injection of private money into elections.

In 2020, out of the $10 million in Zuckerbucks given to Wisconsin cities, $8.5 million went to five Democrat cities.

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