U.N. passes 3 anti-Israel motions as it ignores all the world's other problems

 December 5, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

JERUSALEM – The United Nations, which has found ways – almost daily – to cover itself in ignominy, succeeded yet again when it passed three recent non-binding resolutions related to Israel, highlighting again it has an unhealthy obsession with the Jewish state.

On December 3, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution for Israel to unilaterally withdraw from Judea and Samaria, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. In doing so, it perfectly mirrored maximalist Palestinian demands… short of getting rid of the whole of the State of Israel entirely. The resolution also implemented the establishment of a June 2025 conference, whose sole purpose is to "urgently chart an irreversible path toward" a Palestinian state.

Reut Shapir Ben-Naftaly, Israel's U.N. political coordinator, called the measures a "reckless disregard for the truth" and declared that "the U.N.'s entrenched anti-Israeli bias has been laid bare for all to see," according to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

In addition to this resolution, the UNGA also decreed Israel has no business being on the Golan Heights and passed a motion saying it should withdraw. There is much about this resolution that is truly astonishing. The U.N. estimates Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is currently fighting a rearguard action – along with his Russian and Iranian backers – to repel the advance of Sunni Muslim jihadists – has killed some 300,000 people in the Syrian civil war, which began in 2011. Other estimates put the more likely figure at double that; it is interesting to note the U.N. will accept inflated casualty figures from the Gaza Health Ministry, i.e. Hamas, about allegedly entirely non-combatants "indiscriminately killed by a genocidal army," but will massively underplay the number of deaths when Israel is not involved. Additionally, the war has displaced – both internally and externally – approximately half of Syria's pre-war population of 20 million people.

Furthermore, this ignores returning U.S. President Donald Trump's unilateral acknowledgement of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights in March 2019, which the country seized in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, which it annexed in 1981, and which was won at an extremely high cost in terms of men and materiel. Israel only has control of about seven percent of the Golan Heights' area; Syria still controls the vast majority – although not the part where they would be able to more easily fire directly into Israel's Galilee, including the fertile Jezreel Valley. Considering the instability sweeping throughout Syria, the UNGA's decision seems irrational at best, unless one takes the view it would like to either a) prop up the Assad regime and/or b) allow jihadists easier access to Israeli targets.

WATCH: Trump formally recognizes Israel's annexation of Golan Heights

The third and final piece of this puzzle was the move to fund a division dedicated to pushing the Palestinian agenda. The division oversees the International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People, which has featured speakers at U.N. events calling for the elimination of Israel, and UNISPAL, a body dedicated to disseminating pro-Palestinian information.

There is also a deep irony that on Wednesday, the United Nations unveiled a new photographic exhibit that includes entries from so-called journalists who embedded themselves with Hamas fighters who broke into Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, and witnessed some of the worst of the massacres. It would be one thing if they were merely recording events for posterity, however, one has to question a tweet, which crowed, "We have sex slaves," followed by a laughing emoji.

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