Tulsi Gabbard says she would be 'honored' to serve as Trump's VP

 May 11, 2024

Most of the media is already in a frenzy regarding who former President Donald Trump will pick to run as his vice president.

Trump has several high-profile VP shortlisters that he'll likely choose from, but there are a few other outsider choices that many believe could be brilliant picks at an election-strategic level.

One of those outsider picks is former Hawaii lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard, formerly a Democrat who ultimately left her party. Her name comes up on quite a few lists.

According to The Post Millennial, Gabbard is ready and willing to sign up if she gets the call from Trump, according to a recent interview with Charlie Kirk.

What did she say?

While most of Trump's potential VP picks dance around the subject when asked, Gabbard was 100% transparent in saying that she would be "honored" to serve as Trump's VP.

Some political observers believe that Gabbard has the ability to appeal to certain demographics -- especially suburban female voters -- that Trump simply can't reach or convince.

"If he asks me to serve alongside him, I would be honored to do so, to serve my country in that way and to bring the experience and, frankly, the strength and courage that comes from that experience, to bring about the real transformational change that I know he seeks to bring about to our country's government and that our country actually needs," Gabbard told Kirk.

Gabbard went on to explain why she feels it's important that Trump pick someone who has America's true best interests at heart.

"To take border security seriously, actually secure our border, to root out the corruption that is so deeply entrenched in so many of our government institutions, and bring about what is truly a government of, by, and for the people," Gabbard said.

She added, "Too many politicians in Washington, you know, they'll try to tweak around the edges and make it sound like they've done something to bring about some real change but the rot is deep, and we need leaders of courage who will stand up to the pressures of the Washington establishment that comes from both parties to do what's right and make sure that our government is actually focused on serving the well being of the American people, rather than seeing us as their minions who only exist to serve them and their interests."

When will he pick?

Recently, Trump hinted that he plans to have his VP picked by July, before the Republican National Convention that will be held in Wisconsin.

"I'll be picking, but probably not too much before the convention, which I happen to be having in the great state of Wisconsin," Trump said at the time.

Gabbard left the Democratic Party officially in 2022 in a scathing rebuke of what the party had become in recent years.

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