TRUMP WON! New analysis confirms he was victor in 26 of 29 scenarios

 February 14, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new analysis of the evidence of election fraud during the 2020 presidential race, done by the Heartland Institute, reveals that President Donald Trump was the winner in 26 of the 29 different scenarios that were considered.

"In other words, had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected," the report said.

The study is called, "Who really won the 2020 election? Measuring the effect of mail-in ballot fraud in the Trump-Biden race for the White House," and was assembled by Jack McPherrin, Justin Haskins Donald Kendal, Christopher Talgo and James Taylor.

A summary of the results explains, "This paper examines the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots cast for both Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the 2020 election could have had upon the overall electoral results, based upon recently unearthed evidence indicating widespread mail-in voter fraud indeed occurred in the 2020 election."

It cites work by the institute, along with Rasmussen Reports, late last year that assessed the fraud in the election.

"The results of the survey are nothing short of stunning, and upon their release, they sparked numerous conversations about the amount of fraud in the 2020 election and the potential impact of mail-in ballot fraud in future elections. For example, former President Trump referred to the poll as 'the biggest story of the year' and 'the most important poll released in the past 20 years.' According to the results of the survey, a massive number of voters who cast ballots by mail admitted to committing at least one form of voter fraud in the 2020 election."

Those findings determined:

"21 percent of mail-in voters admitted that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are 'no longer a permanent resident.'"

"21 percent of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member."

"17 percent of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member 'with or without his or her permission.'"

"19 percent of mail-in voters said that a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf."

Explained Heartlands researchers, "After analyzing the raw survey data, we were also able to conclude that 28.2 percent of respondents who voted by mail admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud. This means that more than one-in-four ballots cast by mail in 2020 were likely cast fraudulently, and thus should not have been counted."

The conclusions follow: "Because Joe Biden received significantly more mail in votes than Donald Trump, we conclude that the 2020 election outcome would have been different in the key swing states that Donald Trump lost by razor thin margins in 2020—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin— under the 28.2 percent scenario. We also analyzed the electoral results for those six swing states under every integer from 27 percent fraud down to 1 percent fraud, allowing readers to see the impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots might have produced under each scenario."

The study found at the 28.2% fraud level, "Trump wins Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump wins the Electoral College 311-227."

At a level of fraud 27% through 14%, "the overall results are identical to the 28.2 percent fraud scenario (though Trump’s margin of victory in each state shrinks as the overall mail-in ballot fraud integer shrinks)."

Then, at the fraud levels of 13% through 6%: "Trump wins Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, but loses to Biden in Michigan and Nevada. Trump wins the Electoral College 289-249."

Fraud at 5% to 4%?

"Trump wins Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, but loses to Biden in Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Trump and Biden tie the Electoral College 269-269. As described in more detail in the paper, Trump would likely have won the resulting vote in the House of Representatives, because Republicans controlled more state delegations in the wake of the 2020 election."

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