Trump touts early win in Nevada, as Haley will not be eligible for delegates

 January 25, 2024

Former President Donald Trump, despite his legal challenges and constant stream of negative press from a bulk of the mainstream media, is cruising toward an easy victory.

According to Breitbart, in the wake of historic victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, the former president has already declared victory in Nevada, where former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, his last opponent, is not running.

Trump held nothing back in his message, writing, "WE JUST WON NEVADA!"

After Trump crushed Haley in New Hampshire this week, the former president and many of his allies, including some of his former GOP opponents, have dialed up the pressure on Haley to exit the race and allow the party to rally behind him fully.

What's happening?

The Nevada situation is certainly unique and somewhat weird. Breitbart cited a New York Times quote as an explanation as to why Trump will win the state.

"A 2021 law requires Nevada to hold state-run presidential primaries, but the state G.O.P. has opted to host its own caucuses two days later. Only the caucus results will be used to allocate delegates," the Times quote read.

Haley opted to take part in the state-run primary and will not take part in the Republican Party's caucuses, which will determine who takes home the delegates.

In other words, Haley's not even on the list, and Trump will capture all 26 delegates, further cementing his path to victory as the GOP presidential nominee for 2024.

Breitbart noted:

Former 2024 candidates, like Vivek Ramaswamy and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), were to participate in the caucuses, CBS News previously documented, but both men have dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump.

Focusing on South Carolina

Haley and her campaign still believe they have a shot in her home state of South Carolina, even as polls show otherwise and as South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, a former presidential candidate, endorsed Trump.

After pretending she didn't get squashed on Tuesday night in New Hampshire, Haley released what seemed to many like a forced, optimistic statement regarding where her sights are set.

"This race is far from over. There are dozens of states left to go, and the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina," Haley said Tuesday night.

Many believe that if and when she's beaten in her home state, she'll have no choice but to drop out and finally stop wasting donor and RNC money on her campaign, which isn't really going anywhere.

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