Trump speculates about potential running mates during Iowa campaign

 January 14, 2024

Former President Donald Trump deployed a team of prominent surrogates to Iowa, aiming to secure votes while testing their potential as 2024 running mates.

Amid blizzard conditions, Trump's potential vice presidential candidates, including Gov. Kristi Noem and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, hosted events, fueling speculation about their inclusion on Trump's shortlist.

The contenders

The extreme weather led to the cancellation of events for Gov. Sarah Sanders and Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake.

These surrogates, particularly Noem, Greene, and Lake, have been actively campaigning in Iowa, amplifying their national profiles.

While facing questions about their vice presidential prospects, they mostly maintain a coy stance, emphasizing their commitment to Trump's agenda.

The responses

Greene, confirming Trump's consideration of her for the vice presidency, deferred the decision to the former president, stating, "President Trump is going to choose his vice president, and I completely trust him to do that."

Kari Lake echoed this sentiment, expressing confidence in Trump's selection and emphasizing the importance of supporting whomever he picks.

Noem, who openly considers the vice presidency, criticized those suggesting Nikki Haley for the position, asserting her commitment to Trump's cause. She highlighted her support for Trump during a rally, emphasizing the large turnout as evidence of the people's love for both Trump and herself.

Trump says he's decided

Trump, in a televised town hall, teased having made a decision on his understudy, ruling out former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

As these surrogates traverse Iowa, discussions among voters and party officials reveal varying opinions on potential vice presidential candidates, with no clear winner yet standing out among Iowa's voters just days ahead of the state's primary vote.

Kelley Koch, a Republican Party Chairwoman, praised Lake's problem-solving skills but cautioned about Noem's small-state background.

Sanders emerges as an early favorite for some voters due to her political pedigree and executive experience, with positive remarks about her performance as press secretary. Despite differing opinions, these surrogates are actively contributing to Trump's campaign in Iowa, further fueling speculation about the potential vice presidential pick.

Iowa voters will cast their ballots later this month as the first state in the nation to choose its GOP candidate for president. So far, polls seem to indicate that Trump holds a wide lead over Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis in the first matchup of the new presidential political year.

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