Trump romps: 'They call it Super Tuesday for a reason'

 March 6, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

PALM BEACH, Florida – Former President Donald Trump romped with massive victories across America on Super Tuesday, leaving Republican challenger Nikki Haley in the political dust, as the former U.N. ambassador was projected to win her first state in Vermont.

"They call it Super Tuesday for a reason. This is a big one," Trump told supporters Tuesday night at a watch party at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach.

"And they tell me, the pundits, there's never been ... anything so conclusive."

"This is an amazing night and an amazing day, it's been an incredible period in our country's history," Trump continued. "It's been said in so many ways but I think it's going to be inspiring because we're gonna do something that frankly nobody's been able to do for a long time."

Wednesday morning, Haley announced the suspension of her presidential campaign, without any endorsement of Trump.

Trump began Election Night with early calls of victory in Virginia and North Carolina, with his tally increasing systematically through the evening with wins in Oklahoma, Maine, Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Texas, Colorado, and Minnesota.

By 10:30 p.m. Eastern with 93% of precincts reporting, Vermont narrowly gave Haley her first state primary win, as she took 50% of the vote to 45.7% for Trump. Haley had previously won the District of Columbia over the weekend.

At 11:10 p.m. Eastern, ABC News projected Trump would win California, saying, "He should easily clear 50 percent and claim all of the state's 169 delegates."

In his victory speech, Trump focused on familiar themes, including the invasion of the U.S. by illegal aliens, apparently with the full support of Joe Biden's administration.

"They want to open borders, and open borders will destroy our country," Trump said. "We need borders and free and fair elections otherwise we don't have a country."

He also urged members of the GOP to unify behind him, since he has such a commanding lead in delegates heading toward the Republican convention.

"We have a great Republican Party with tremendous talent and we want to have a unity," he noted, "and we are going to have the unity, and it will happen very quickly. I've been saying lately, that success will bring unity to the country."

Laura Ingraham of Fox News proffered that if Trump wins the presidency in November, "This could be the greatest political comeback story of all time."

"Even to get to this moment, pretty much everyone was declaring him DOA (dead on arrival). What does that say about all of us? I mean maybe we all need to spend more time with the American people. At least I do because I had my doubts at various times as well."

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