Trump Jr. says Tucker Carlson could be his father's running mate

 January 19, 2024

Donald Trump Jr. says that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson is on the short list of candidates to become his father's running mate. 

Trump Jr. said as much during an appearance Thursday on Newsmax TV's Wake Up America. 

It is "certainly" a possibility

During the interview, Trump Jr. was asked whether his father - former President Donald Trump - might pick Carlson to be his running mate. Actually, what Trump Jr. was specifically asked was whether a Trump/Carlson ticket is a "serious" possibility. Trump Jr. responded in the affirmative.

"That clearly would be on the table," Trump Jr. said.

Trump Jr. went on to explain, "I mean they’re very friendly, I think they agree on virtually all of these things. They certainly agree on stopping the never-ending wars."

Trump Jr. concluded by saying that he "would love to see" a Trump/Carlson ticket happen, and he insisted that Carlson is "certainly" a "contender."


The idea that Carlson could be Trump's running mate is not something that just came out of left field. The idea has garnered much attention thanks to a report that Axios published in early December 2023.

The report focused on running mate possibilities for Trump, specifically on possibilities that have - according to the outlet - been suggested by people close to Trump.

Axios reported:

But here's an interesting twist: Melania Trump is an advocate for picking Tucker Carlson, the booted Fox News star. She thinks Carlson would make a powerful onstage extension of her husband, a source close to Trump told us. The former first lady has made few campaign appearances this time around — but a Trump-Carlson ticket might encourage her to hit the trail.

Carlson responds

If you have followed Carlson for any amount of time, then he responded to the rumor just the way you would expect him to.

Carlson said, "I haven’t led a life that prepares a person for politics . . . It’s just that that’s not how my brain works. I’ve never done anything like that. I can’t imagine spending time with politicians."

In other words, it would appear that Carlson would turn the running mate offer down, were Trump to make it.

The latest

Trump - the Republican party's clear frontrunner - has yet to reveal who his running mate is going to be. But, he has revealed that he has made his choice.

During a recent Town Hall in Iowa, Trump said, " I know who it's going to be."

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