Trump impeachment manager gets sued for $20 million

 April 22, 2024

One of the far-left Democrats who orchestrated a failed impeachment campaign against President Trump, and now has been adamant in defense of Joe Biden on impeachment investigation claims of influence peddling and corruption, has been sued for defaming a congressional witness.

The complaint by onetime Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski was filed against Jamie Raskin, in his individual capacity, in U.S. District Court in Maryland.

The lawsuit seeks $20 million in "compensatory, special and punitive" damages, plus costs, plus any other "relief as the court deems justice."

Bobulinski, in fact, has testified to Congress investigating Joe Biden for possible impeachment about Biden'se personal involvement in the Biden family's international business schemes, which critics have called influence peddling, and Congress has confirmed has generated paychecks of tens of millions of dollars.

Raskin repeatedly has tried to undermine the testimony of congressional witnesses who are critical of Biden, and specifically attacked Bobulinski, the filing explains.

"In his February 14, 2024, statement, defendant said that Mr. Bobulinski has been unable to support his claims and accused him of lying, Defendant's March 6, 2024, post described Mr. Bobulinski as a 'dubious' witness. In doing so, defendant intended to convey and imply the defamatory interpretation that it is Mr. Bobulinski was untrustworthy, who lied to Congress. Defendant’s statements left a reasonable reader with the impression that it is really Mr. Bobulinski, who was bought and paid for by the Trump campaign, and therefore, who was lying about the Biden family’s business dealings."

It continues, "Defendant intentionally created this inference to salvage his political party, and Joseph Biden, to the detriment of Mr. Bobulinski in his patriotic pursuit to expose the truth of the Biden family corruption. The inferences made are defamatory as they lead to hatred, distrust, ridicule, contempt, and/or disgrace for Mr. Bobulinski, and leaves the interpretation that Mr. Bobulinski was untrustworthy and lied to Congress. Indeed, it caused not only a large segment of the nation that despises all things Trump regardless of reality, but also rational and reasonable viewers, not to trust or find credibility with Mr. Bobulinski. Defendant made the statements with malice."

Among Raskin's claims was that the witness was a "Ttrump campaign plant and pawn," and that he "engaged in criminal acts."

The narrative of the complaint points out Bobulinsk's successful U.S. military career, in which he was honored with the Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal and the National Defense Service Medal.

It was after his military career that he got involved eventually in business deals with Hunter Biden.

His testimony is key in that he witnessed Joe Biden's personal involvement in the family "influence" operations, dealings that Joe Biden has claimed he never knew about.

WND reported earlier when Bobulinski's lawyers demanded a retraction from Raskin, a demand he ignored.

That letter warned Raskin, "You are not entitled to any immunity for your defamatory statements. The Speech and Debate Clause comes from Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, and it includes, in relevant part: 'for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.'"

But that only protects activities "undertaken in the House and Senate," and provides no immunity "beyond its carefully defined scope," the lawyers warned. "Anything that is not a legislative activity will not be protected."

The letter warns Raskin, "Your statements are derogatory falsehoods, rendering them legally actionable. Your pattern of maliciously defaming Mr. Bobulinski is well-established and will not be tolerated."

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