Trump has narrowed VP shortlist to three senators: report

 March 8, 2024

Speculation over Donald Trump's VP choice is reaching a fever pitch after his commanding Super Tuesday victory all but guaranteed a rematch with Joe Biden in November.

A Republican strategist claims that Trump is down to three senators: J.D. Vance (Oh.). Katie Britt (Al.), and Marco Rubio (Fl.).

The Washington Times cited Ryan Girdusky, a prominent Republican consultant and commentator.

Trump's shortlist?

Rubio was rivals with Trump during the 2016 primary, but he has since become a Trump cheerleader.

The same is true of J.D. Vance, a freshman senator who underwent a dramatic evolution from a Never Trump commentator to one of the fieriest supporters Trump has in Washington. Vance gave a speech at this year's CPAC, which was seen by many as an audition of sorts for VP hopefuls.

Like Vance, Britt is a freshman senator, and she was chosen by the Republican party to give the rebuttal to Biden's State of the Union on Thursday night.

Although Britt's tone was criticized by some as awkward and exaggerated, Trump gave her a positive review on Truth Social.

"Katie Britt was a GREAT contrast to an Angry, and obviously very Disturbed, 'President.' She was compassionate and caring, especially concerning Women and Women's Issues," Trump wrote on Truth Social.

"Damn liar"

The Washington Times cited Britt's "good looks, intelligence and deep understanding of the Senate" as factors in the Trump team's thinking.

However, Girdusky's shortlist was immediately dismissed as "trash" by Chris LaCivita, a top Trump campaign adviser.

“That is trash,” LaCivita said. "Anyone who claims that they know or that they have heard is a damn liar.”

Some other names that have been mentioned include Senator Tim Scott (Sc.), South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and Vivek Ramaswamy, who ran in the primary against Trump.

Trump has cast a wide net, even floating his most bitter rival for much of the primary, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), at a recent event. But DeSantis, who gave Trump a lukewarm endorsement, immediately shut down the idea of joining his campaign.

Nikki Haley, Trump's last primary challenger, ended her longshot campaign on Tuesday but declined to endorse Trump and instead challenged him to win back her supporters. Haley has dismissed VP speculation, and so has Trump, saying she lacks "presidential timber." 

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