Trump continues to dominate Biden in polling

 May 26, 2024

President Joe Biden's 2024 campaign is struggling in a multitude of different ways. 

One of those involves the onslaught of polls that show him steadily losing ground to former President Donald Trump.

According to Breitbart, Trumps is besting Biden in both a two-way race and in a field that includes third-party candidates.

Biden also faces the prospect of Trump gaining ground with groups that Democrats traditionally didn't have to worry about, like Black and Hispanic voters.

What's going on?

An Emerson College poll published this week showed that "44 percent of the 1,100 registered voter respondents back Trump in a race with Biden and third-party candidates."

When asked about Biden, the currenty president only managed to garner 39% of support, giving Trump a 5% lead on the incumbent.

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has become a real thorn in Biden's political side, managed to garner 6% support. Other polls have shown RFK taking a bite out of Biden's numbers when included in the race.

Breitbart noted:

The Green Party’s Jill Stein and independent Cornel West tie at one percent. Ten percent of respondents are undecided.

Trump’s lead falls outside the ± 2.9 percent margin of error.

When pitted against each other without third-party candidates, Trump still bests Biden, but the race is much tighter. The poll revealed that Trump managed to garner 46% in that matchup to Biden's 44%.

More bad news for Joe

Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling, explained where the two candidates are weak and where they're strong. Biden has some small advantages but probably not enought to overcome Trump.

“Voters under 30 break for Biden by 15 points, with a quarter undecided. When these undecideds are pushed, the group breaks for Biden by 26 points, 63% to 37%, reflective of his margin in 2020 with this group,” Kimball said.

“That said, Biden trails Trump 41% to 45% among voters in their 30s, among whom he led Trump in 2020,” Kimball added. “Trump’s support has grown since 2020 among voters in their 50s according to this poll, leading Biden by 19 points, 57% to 38%.

With the election fast approaching, it'll be interesting to see what the Biden campaign will do to boost critical numbers.

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