Trump campaign reveals donors contributed $34 million in just hours

 June 1, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Donors are trashing the guilty verdict for President Donald Trump coming from a leftist Manhattan jury, whose members followed the instructions of a judge with multiple factors confirming a bias against Trump, in a case brought by a Democrat prosecutor who claimed, without evidence of a crime, he would "get" Trump if elected.

It earlier was reported that after the verdict Thursday on charges that reporting Trump's business legal fees as business legal fees was improper, his campaign website was overwhelmed by contributors, and crashed.

It came back shortly later.

And now the campaign has announced that donors contributed nearly $34.8 million, "nearly double the biggest day ever recorded for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform," in just a matter of hours.

"Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats with their election interference political witch hunt have awakened the MAGA movement like never before," the campaign confirmed.

The Bragg case was just one part of the multi-prong lawfare scheme that Biden and other Democrats have orchestrated against Trump already. The allegations lay dormant for years and were brought back from the dead only as Trump began campaigning for president. In the Bragg case, multiple prosecutors, even Bragg himself, had declined to pursue the case based on the weakness of the allegations. It was only when Trump announced he was a candidate in this year's presidential that the zombie counts were filed.

"From just minutes after the sham trial verdict was announced, our digital fundraising system was overwhelmed with support, and despite temporary delays online because of the amount of traffic, President Trump raised $34.8 million … from small-dollar donors. Not only was the amount historic, but 29.7% of yesterday's donors were brand new donors to the WinRed platform.

"President Trump and our campaign are immensely grateful for this outpouring of support from patriots across our country. President Trump is fighting to save our nation and November 5th is the day Americans will deliver the real verdict," said a statement delivered by campaign advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.

It was reported Thursday just after the verdict was delivered that the donation page crashed.

The page, for a time, displayed a 500 error stating “something went wrong.”

Trump also received massive influxes of cash from major donors after the verdict, including from Sequoia Capital partner Shaun Maguire, a previous supporter of Hillary Clinton.

"The timing isn’t a coincidence,” Maguire wrote on X.

New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin also wrote on X after the verdict that he just “secured a $800k donation from someone for President Trump’s Joint Fundraising Committee.”

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