Trump campaign reports massive April fundraising haul

By Sarah May on
 May 6, 2024

Though he has been forced to spend most of the past few weeks in a Manhattan courtroom, former President Donald Trump has continued to notch some significant fundraising successes.

As The Hill reports, Trump -- together with the Republican National Committee (RNC) -- took in more than $76 million in contributions last month.

Massive fundraising haul reported

According to information released by Trump campaign leads Susie Wiles, Tony Fabrizio, and Chris LaCivita and first noted by the New York Times, approximately $76.2 million in donations have been projected for the month of April.

The figure represents an increase from March, a period in which the two now-merged organizations raised $65.6 million.

These tallies are not the only good news being trumpeted by the campaign in recent days, as The Hill reports, with advisors revealing to attendees at a Florida planning retreat that the former president currently holds a lead in a number of critical swing states, including Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia.

That, along with a growing belief that Trump may be able to flip blue-trending states such as Minnesota and Virginia, has lent an additional sense of optimism among the candidate's supporters.

Small donations touted

Though Trump has seen massive success with high-dollar efforts such as a glitzy April event in Palm Beach, the campaign has taken pains to note that more than half of this month's fundraising total came from small donors, as Reuters noted.

In a statement issued by LaCivita and Wiles, the importance of those small-dollar contributions to the overall campaign effort was highlighted.

“With half of funds raised coming from small dollar donors, it is clear that our base is energized,” they wrote.

The high-powered Trump campaign strategists added, “The Republican party is united, and voters are ready to FIRE Joe Biden and elect Donald J. Trump.”

Lemonade out of lemons

As The Hill noted, Trump's April fundraising numbers are all the more impressive considering that he has been stranded in New York four days out of every week due to his required attendance at his hush money criminal trial.

Even so, the former president has maintained a high energy level, traveling across the country on non-trial days, to address supporters and rail against what he believes are politically motivated prosecutions designed to interfere with the November election.

During a Wednesday rally in Michigan, Trump labeled the criminal charges against him as “bulls**t,” but also characterized the as a badge of honor likely to spur support among those who take a similarly negative view of the cases at issue.

As the trial in New York continues on, Trump is reportedly planning to visit Kentucky and Ohio on May 15 as well as Texas on May 22, continuing the pattern of making the most of whatever free time he is granted by a rogue prosecutor and a judge who seem hell-bent on keeping him off the campaign trail.

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