Trump announces plans for 'Christian Day of Visibility'

 April 3, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

President Trump has responded to Joe Biden's designation of Easter Sunday as "Transgender Day of Visibility" with plans for another new "day."

A "Christian Day of Visibility," which would be Nov. 5, also election day.

report at Trending Politics News said Trump told reporters during a visit to Green Bay Wisconsin, "On November 5 we are going to win this state, we're going to win the White House and we are going to save our country.

"November 5th is going to be called something else. You know what it’s going to be called? Christian Visibility Day, when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before," he said.

It was Biden who, while banning children from using "religious symbols" in the White House annual egg decorating contest, insisted Easter Sunday was "Transgender Day of Visibility."

White House officials said it was just chance that it landed on Easter Sunday, even though the Biden declarations specifically cites that day.

In fact, on social media, Biden claimed, 'On Transgender Day of Visibility, we celebrate the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know. Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong, and they should be treated with dignity and respect."

Legacy media defended Biden, claiming the day falls on March 31 every, but Biden had not tweeted about that event until this year.

Biden immediately was the target of criticism for his signature on that "Transgender" promotion proclamation.

Some Christians considered it blasphemous, including Judie Brown, head of the American Life League.

In a statement, she joined top Catholic theologian Cardinal Gerhard Muller, who has condemned Biden's open defiance of Catholic church teachings, even though he claims to be a faithful Catholic.

Muller has spoken against Biden's "open support" of abortion and other actions deemed immoral by the church.

Regarding the designation of Easter Sunday as the "day" for transgenders, Brown explained, "Cardinal Gerhard Müller recently made headlines for suggesting that the president of the United States, Joe Biden, is a 'nominal Catholic' and should be excommunicated for his support of abortion and other sinful practices. Müller’s call was affirmed on Friday, March 29, 2024, when President Biden issued a Proclamation Transgender Day of Visibility 2024.

"This is proof positive that Biden has no respect for the teachings of the Catholic Church, does not understand the basic truth that God created man in His image, male and female, and that anyone or any statement that violates that basic teaching is an abomination. It is the work of the devil who is operating through the actions and words of Biden himself," she said.

"The American Life League joins Cardinal Müller in calling for the immediate excommunication of Joseph Biden. We are sending this urgent call for justice and in defense of Truth to every Catholic Bishop in the United States. Biden is not a Catholic, he is an evil man who consistently spits in the face of Christ."

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