The 16 top ways Biden is 'WAAAY worse' for democracy than Trump

 April 2, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Joe Biden, and others in his Democrat party, long have claimed that President Donald Trump is a "threat" to the nation's democracy.

Their warning is that only they can "save" democracy and therefore voters must keep them in power at all times. It's one of their 2024 campaign talking points, along with their promotion of abortion and the transgender agenda.

However, a series of statements on social media, from Tom Elliott, the founder of Grabien and other sites, has undermined their claims.

He explains in the posts assembled in a report at Twitchy, that Biden is worse for democracy than Trump.

For example, there's Biden's use of the FBI to target MAGA-aligned voters.

"Seems like something a dictator would do," the report, headlined, "Buckle UP troglodytes because HERE are 16 reasons Biden is WAY worse than Trump for 'our democracy,'" said.

Elliot, by the way, explained he's not a Trump supporter.

He said, "P.S. And as my followers know, I oppose Trump, and will vote for RFK in 2024. But my opposition to Trump hasn't turned me blind from seeing the Biden Admin in all its tyrannical infamy."

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