Texas Supreme Court shoots down challenge to state's abortion laws

 June 2, 2024

Undoubtedly, the abortion issue will remain at the top of many American voters' minds as the 2024 election nears, and while pro-abortion activists and lawyers had had successes in some states, Texas is not one of them. 

According to the Associated Press, the Texas Supreme Court on Friday rejected a challenge to the state's restrictive abortion laws, generating a firestorm of controversy.

The challenge was brought by a group of women who had serious pregnancy complications.

They were reportedly the first group of women in such position to testify in court against the abortion laws in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

What happened?

At issue, according to the plaintiffs, is that they believe Texas' abortion laws, which are among the strictest in the nation, are too "vague" regarding situations where pregnant women are facing possible serious complications.

The Republican-dominant state high court wasn't convinced and upheld the law, shooting down their challenged.

The AP noted:

The same issue was at the center of a separate lawsuit brought last year by Kate Cox, a mother of two from Dallas, who sought court permission to obtain an abortion after her fetus developed a fatal condition during a pregnancy that resulted in multiple trips to an emergency room.

The Texas high court countered, saying that it believes the laws are broad enough "and that doctors would be misinterpreting the law if they declined to perform an abortion when the mother’s life is in danger."

Conservative Justice Jane Bland wrote in the order, "Texas law permits a life-saving abortion."

Social media reacts

Not surprisingly, the ruling generated a mountain of mixed responses, with pro-life advocates cheering and pro-abortion activists extremely upset by the ruling.

"This ruling by the Texas Supreme Court allows Texas’ extreme abortion ban to continue to endanger women and deny them the health care they need. Medical decisions should always be between women and their doctors – not judges or politicians like Ted Cruz," Colin Allred wrote on X

Others argued that if women don't like the abortion laws in Texas, they can move elsewhere.

"The women can go get their abortion in another state, State's rights, deal with it," another X user wrote.

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