A federal judge has threatened Hunter Biden's lawyers with financial sanctions for lying to the court.

The California judge in Biden's tax evasion case rebuked his lawyers for twisting the facts in their motion to dismiss the charges.

Ironically, Biden's lawyers tried to have the case tossed out by citing one of Donald Trump's legal victories.

Biden lawyers warned

To recap, Biden was found guilty of lying about his drug use in a June gun trial. He's also facing charges for tax evasion in California this fall.

Biden has tried to have his cases thrown out on various grounds, including by arguing he is the target of a witch hunt (yes, really.) None of it has worked, so far.

In his latest move, Biden cited the bombshell decision against Special Counsel Jack Smith in Trump's classified documents case. The judge, Aileen Cannon, found that Smith, a private citizen, was unlawfully appointed by attorney general Merrick Garland and threw out the case.

Garland also appointed Special Counsel David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor going after Hunter.

Biden's lawyers have cited Cannon's ruling to push for Weiss' dismissal, but the California judge in the tax case, Mark Scarsi, notes there is an important distinction.

While Smith is a private citizen, Weiss was already a full-fledged, Senate-confirmed U.S. attorney when he first brought charges against Hunter.

"Not trivial"

While Biden claims he wasn't charged until after Weiss' promotion, Scarsi said the claims are "not true, and Mr. Biden’s counsel knows they are not true."

Indeed, Weiss was still a U.S. attorney when he charged Hunter with misdemeanors as part of a notorious plea deal that unraveled last summer. Weiss later pursued felony gun and tax charges against Biden.

"The misstatements in the current motion are not trivial. Mr. Weiss’s institution of charges against Mr. Biden in his capacity as U.S. Attorney offers a meaningful distinction between this case and the nonbinding district court decision on which Mr. Biden bases his motion,” Scarsi wrote.

“But Mr. Biden’s motion does not engage with this distinction; instead, counsel avoids the issue by misrepresenting the history of the proceedings,” he continued, adding that the court “has little tolerance for lack of candor from counsel.”

It's just the latest setback for the Biden clan, with a pardon growing more elusive for Hunter after his dad decided to forgo re-election.

Jill Biden waved a white flag over the White House on Wednesday, thanking supporters of her husband as the 81-year-old president formally announced he would not seek a second term.

It's a stunning capitulation from the Biden family, which spent three tumultuous weeks clinging to power after Biden's career-ending debate performance.

Jill waves the white flag

As longtime allies started to abandon Biden, his wife insisted he was "all in." In a stunning reversal on Sunday, Biden said he would forgo re-election.

Biden broke the historic news in a letter posted online, and Jill responded with a heart emoji.

In another post on Wednesday night, Jill Biden urged Democrats to rally behind vice president Kamala Harrs, who has quickly become the frontrunner to replace her husband. She also thanked her husband's supporters for sticking with him over the years.

"To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude,” Jill Biden wrote. “Thank you for the trust you put in Joe–now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala. Love, Jill.”

Biden's "farewell" speech

Jill Biden was in the Oval Office to support her husband on Wednesday night, along with her stepson Hunter and other family members as Joe Biden gave a formal speech about his decision.

In the speech, Biden did not say why he was stepping aside, merely declaring he would "pass the torch" to the next generation. Of course, he took veiled swipes at Trump, echoing hyperbolic campaign rhetoric that Trump would end "democracy."

"I revere this office, but I love my country more," Biden said.

"It's been the honor of my life to serve as your president. But in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think it's more important than any title."

Biden's decision marks the end of his 50-year career in politics, which saw him rise to the Senate as a young man and seek the presidency twice unsuccessfully before finally achieving his ambition in 2020.

One might call Biden's speech a farewell, except he has not resigned, sparking protests from Republicans who say he isn't fit to continue serving.

The White House has denied that Biden's health had anything to do with his decision.

Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle resigned on Tuesday, confessing to "full responsibility" for the security failures that led to the failed assassination of President Trump. 

"As your director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse," she wrote in an email to staff.

For days, Cheatle had said she was responsible for the security breakdown, but she rejected calls to step down. As recently as Monday, she told lawmakers that she wasn't going anywhere.

Cheatle's confession

The July 13 assassination attempt was the most serious Secret Service failure since Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981.

Many have questioned why the Secret Service failed to secure an obvious rooftop that a gunman used to shoot at Trump. The former president narrowly escaped death, turning his head just in time as a bullet grazed his ear.

During a congressional hearing Monday, Cheatle refused to answer questions about the security failures, pointing to the FBI's investigation. Her stonewalling led lawmakers in both parties to call for her resignation.

A day after claiming she was the "best" person for the role, Cheatle realized her time was up.

“The scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases,” she said.

“I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission.”


House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) took a victory lap.

"The Oversight Committee’s hearing resulted in Director Cheatle’s resignation and there will be more accountability to come," he said. "The Secret Service has a no-fail mission yet it failed historically on Director Cheatle’s watch."

Despite Cheatle's role in one of the greatest security catastrophes in U.S. history, she received a glowing send-off from President Biden.

"Jill and I are grateful to Director Kim Cheatle for her decades of public service. She has selflessly dedicated and risked her life to protect our nation throughout her career in the United States Secret Service," Biden said.

President Trump wrote, "The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy. IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO."

The Department of Homeland Security has appointed an independent panel to look into the security breakdown.

Hillary Clinton, the would-be first woman president, has given her dubious blessing to vice president Kamala Harris as she launches a risky presidential campaign against Clinton's ex-rival Donald Trump.

A veteran of the Democratic establishment, Clinton is making it clear she supports the party machine as Harris lines up endorsements following Joe Biden's decision to forgo re-election.

Clinton endorses Harris

In an endorsement on Facebook, Clinton highlighted some of the main talking points of Harris' emerging campaign: Trump's criminal conviction in a polarizing, Democrat-led prosecution, and the alleged extremism of Trump's platform, particularly on abortion.

Clinton, who lost to Trump in a shocking upset in 2016, contrasted Harris' past as a prosecutor with Trump's status as a "convicted felon."

"I've known Kamala Harris a long time. This brilliant prosecutor will make the case against convicted felon Donald Trump and the Project 2025 agenda to take away our freedoms," Clinton wrote on Facebook.

The conservative policy platform Project 2025 has become a key Democratic talking point, although Trump has actually disavowed it.

At a rally in Michigan last weekend, Trump distanced himself from the "radical right" policy platform, doubling down on his embrace of more moderate positions on social issues like abortion.

Doubts linger over candidacy

Most prominent Democrats have already lined up behind Harris, with the conspicuous exception of Barack Obama.

There are question marks hanging over her candidacy: Harris' first presidential campaign fizzled in 2019, and the California politician's liberal record could prove a weakness in crucial Midwestern states that Clinton lost in 2016.

While Democrats highlight Harris' background in law enforcement, Trump's team is sure to scrutinize her record to paint her as a soft-on-crime radical outside the mainstream of American politics.

Of course, Harris can rely on the media to provide fawning coverage of her campaign, but glowing media wasn't enough to elect Clinton eight years ago.

With Biden out, many Democrats are feeling a burst of hope - to quote Harris, "unburdened by what has been" - but others might see troubling echoes of the past.

Like Harris, Clinton received a coronation from the Democratic machine - only to be rejected by the American people in the general election.

Harris may not be the ideal candidate for defeating Trump, but with well-connected party veterans like Clinton behind her, her path to the nomination seems secure.

Congress urged the leader of the Secret Service to resign during a tense hearing on Monday about the failed assassination of President Trump.

Kimberly Cheatle rejected calls from both parties to step down, even as national anger simmers over her failure to keep President Trump safe at a Pennsylvania rally on July 13.

Cheatles faces Congress

Many have questioned how the Secret Service failed to secure an obvious vantage point that the gunman used to shoot at Trump.

Cheatle refused to provide much clarity over hours of questioning from the House Oversight Committee. She admitted that she oversaw "the most significant operational failure at the Secret Service in decades," but she made clear that she has no plans to resign.

"I think that I am the best person to lead the Secret Service at this time,” she said.

The hearing continued a frustrating pattern from the Secret Service and its director, who has acknowledged the massive security failures without taking accountability for them.

Cheatle admitted Monday that a suspicious person was spotted two to five times, but she said the gunman was only considered an active threat mere seconds before he pulled the trigger.

"An individual with a backpack is not a threat,” Cheatle said. “An individual with a rangefinder is not a threat.”

Calls to resign

In an unusual display of bi-partisan outrage, Democrats joined Republicans in urging Cheatle to step aside.

“I don’t want to add to the director’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, but I will be joining the chairman in calling for the resignation,” House Oversight ranking member Jamie Raskin (Md.) said.

California Democrat Ro Khanna noted that the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan led to consequences for the Secret Service director at the time, who ended up stepping down.

“Do you really, genuinely, in your heart, believe that you being in this role is what’s right for America at this moment?” Khanna asked.

It is completely unacceptable for a federal bureaucrat to thumb her nose at oversight from one of the elected branches of government, especially on such a grave matter as this.

Sadly, many Americans have come to expect this arrogant behavior from America's out of control federal agencies.

Congress is going to have to take more forceful steps to get to the bottom of what happened and ensure this never happens again.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her team have downplayed the idea that she could be at the top of the Democratic Party's ticket for the 2024 presidential race. 

However, according to Newsweek, one high-profile Democratic senator said VP Harris is "ready to step up," and suggested she'll be the one to replace President Joe Biden.

While Harris would be an obvious choice to replace Biden, many Democrats don't want either person on the ballot and would prefer a fresh duo to lead the ticket into November.

One of those Democrats is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her recent comments were what sparked Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to make the remark about Harris being ready to go.

What happened?

As speculation mounted that President Biden would drop out of the race, AOC made it clear that not everyone in the party is excited about VP Harris claiming the mantle.

"If you think there is a consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave, that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken," Ocasio-Cortez said.

She added, "I'm in these rooms, I see what they say in conversations. A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president, they are interested in removing the whole ticket."

Warren issued a strong rebuke to AOC's statement during an MSNBC interview.

"Joe Biden is our nominee. As I have said before he has a really big decision to make. But what gives me a lot of hope right now is that if President Biden decides to step back, we have Vice President Kamala Harris who is ready to step up, to unite the party, to take on Donald Trump and to win in November," the senator said.

She added, "Kamala has led the charge in order to fight back against the Republicans that want a nationwide abortion ban. If you're running against a convicted felon then a prosecutor like Kamala is really a good person to make that case. No matter what happens I will be out there fighting for Democrats, I believe we are going to come together and we are going to win in November."

Who will it be?

In late-breaking news Sunday afternoon, President Biden released a statement in which he formally suspended his campaign.

In another post, Biden gave his vice president a hearty endorsement, ending previous speculation that he would not endorse Harris to take over the ticket.

Social media exploded after news broke of Biden's exit, with most now wondering who Democrats will field.

Only time will tell, but it looks more than likely that it will end up in a convention showdown for the Democratic Party, which will be nothing less than a total clown show.

Former President Donald Trump's youngest son, Barron Trump, is easily one of the most popular members of the Trump family. 

That's why many wondered where he was during the closing ceremony of the Republican convention, especially since the youngster has turned 18 and recently made an appearance at a Trump rally.

According to the Daily Mail, "Where's Barron" trended on X for a bit while the rest of the Trump family, including Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump took the stage with the former president.

While liberal media outlets love to make a big deal when a member of the Trump family is not with the former president, many figured that the decision was one out of an abundance of caution, given the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life last weekend.


President Trump took a moment to thank all of his family members at the convention, including Barron.

"I also wanna thank my entire family for being here. Don, Kimberly, Ivanka and Jared. Eric and Lara. Tiffany and Michael. Barron... We love our Barron," Trump said.

The Daily Mail noted:

Barron's mother, known to be extremely protective of her son, emerged at the convention, as the Trump campaign announced, moments before her husband's acceptance speech.

CNN's Kaitlan Collins reports that operatives in the Trump campaign tried 'really hard' to convince Melania to make a speech at the convention, as she did in 2016 and 2020, but the former first lady was not interested.

Barron Trump was also recently rumored to have been selected as one of the Florida delegates who would nominate his father to be the Republican nominee. A statement from his mother's office was released, shooting down the idea.

"While Barron is honored to have been chosen… he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments," the statement read.

It was noted that three of Barron's siblings, Don Jr., Eric, and Tiffany, served as Florida delegates.

Previous appearances

The media became especially obsessed with Barron Trump earlier this month after he made an appearance with his father at a rally.

His father introduced him by saying, "Welcome to the scene, Barron!"

Barron Trump out at today’s rally in Doral, Florida, with Donald Trump speaking briefly about his youngest son and saying “Welcome to the scene, Barron” pic.twitter.com/m7ChlqBadt

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) July 10, 2024

While Barron Trump's life and decisions remain especially private, many believe that he will be seen more with his father down the road. It's totally understandable that he wouldn't be out in the public square given that his father was nearly assassinated just a week prior.

Lou Dobbs, the Fox Business commentator and cable news pioneer known for his unapologetic support of President Trump, has died. He was 78. 

Dobbs' long media career spanned several decades at CNN and later, Fox Business, where he was a devoted backer of the 45th president. Dobb was unafraid to speak his mind on controversial issues, particularly mass immigration.

Trump pays tribute to Dobbs

In a social media statement, Trump paid tribute to Dobbs, calling him a friend and a talented journalist.

"The Great Lou Dobbs has just passed away — A friend, and truly incredible Journalist, Reporter, and Talent," Trump wrote on Truth Social.

"He understood the World, and what was 'happening,' better than others. Lou was unique in so many ways, and loved our Country. Our warmest condolences to his wonderful wife, Debi, and family. He will be greatly missed!" Trump added.

The Harvard-educated Dobbs won numerous awards for his journalism, including a Lifetime Achievement Emmy for Business News and a George Foster Peabody Award for his coverage of the 1987 stock market crash.

His media career launched at CNN in 1980 with the financial news program Moneyline, which evolved into a commentary program, Lou Dobbs Tonight. 

By the time he abruptly left the network in 2009, Dobbs had become known for ruffling feathers with his comments about mass illegal immigration and Barack Obama's citizenship.

In a statement, CNN praised Dobbs for shaping the network in its infancy.

"Lou was one of the CNN originals, who helped launch and shape the network. We are saddened to hear about his passing and extend our sincerest condolences to his wife Debi, children and his family,” CNN said in a statement.

Cable news titan

In 2011, Lou Dobbs Tonight found a new home at Fox Business Network, where Dobbs would remain until 2021.

While at Fox, Dobbs was a strong advocate for Trump and his policies, and Lou Dobbs Tonight became the highest rated show on Fox Business. The show was canceled after Dobbs was named in a lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems accusing Fox of lying about the 2020 election.

Fox News Media called Dobbs "an incredible business mind with a gift for broadcasting" and a cable news pioneer.

“We are immensely grateful for his many contributions and send our heartfelt condolences to his family," the statement said.

Most recently, Dobbs hosted the podcast The Great America Show with Lou Dobbs.

He is survived by his wife Debi and their four children.

Just days after he survived an assassination attempt by a few inches, Donald Trump had one of his four criminal cases thrown out by a federal judge.

With the amazing luck he has had lately, many are beginning to think Trump is unbeatable, or even favored by God.

Charges dismissed

Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the charges in the classified documents case on Monday, finding prosecutor Jack Smith was not legally appointed under the Constitution to serve as Special Counsel.

The decision was a shocking blow to Democrats and their hopes of damaging Trump's surging re-election bid with lawfare.

But Smith isn't giving up. In a filing Wednesday, he notified the 11th Circuit Appeals Court that he would challenge Cannon's decision.

Jack Smith defeated?

Cannon's dismissal came after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had cast doubt on the legality of Smith's appointment in a separate opinion attached to the high court's historic immunity ruling.

In her ruling dismissing the case, Cannon found that Smith's appointment by Attorney General Merrick Garland stepped on the power given to Congress over appointments.

“The Special Counsel’s position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to a Head of Department, and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers.”

Smith was already facing significant obstacles before Cannon's dramatic dismissal. The Supreme Court had derailed Smith's prosecution of Trump over January 6th with its ruling on presidential immunity, making a trial before the 2024 election unlikely.

End the lawfare

In the wake of the assassination attempt and Cannon's dramatic ruling, Trump has called for an end to all politically motivated prosecutions in the name of national unity.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung reacted to Smith's notice of appeal, saying, "As we move forward in uniting our nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the lawless indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL of the Witch Hunts."

"The Democrat-led Justice Department should drop these politically motivated, election interference efforts against President Trump immediately. Let us come together to END the weaponization of our justice system and Make America Great Again!" he said.

Smith has already signaled he plans to keep prosecuting Trump for as long as he can, even until the moment he is inaugurated, if it comes to that.

The Supreme Court halted the execution of a Texas man convicted of murder only moments before he was scheduled to be put to death, leaving the condemned man "shocked" and in tears.

47-year-old Ruben Gutierrez was convicted for the 1998 murder of an elderly woman during a robbery in Brownsville, Texas. The Supreme Court's order puts the execution on hold indefinitely.

Death row inmate "shocked"

Gutierrez was informed of the court's stay only minutes before his scheduled execution Tuesday night at 6 p.m. CT in Huntsville.

"He was visibly emotional," prison spokeswoman Amanda Hernandez said, adding he was not expecting the court stay. "We asked him if he wanted to make a statement but he needed a minute."

“He turned around to the back of the cell, covered his mouth. He was tearing up, speechless. He was shocked.”

Gutierrez has admitted that he plotted to rob 85-year-old Escolastica Harrison, but he says he wasn't inside when she was stabbed to death with a screwdriver.

Two other people were charged in the robbery: Rene Garcia, who is serving a life sentence; and Pedro Gracia, the alleged getaway driver, who remains at large.

The killing

On September 5, 1998, the three men robbed Harrison, a retired elementary school teacher who kept $600,000 in a safe because she mistrusted banks.

Harrison made the mistake of trusting Gutierrez, who learned about the safe by befriending her and doing errands for her.

She was beaten and stabbed 13 times with two screwdrivers, and defensive wounds showed she fought for her life. The suspects fled with at least $56,000.

In 1999, Gutierrez was convicted under the Texas law of parties, which says a person can be held liable for the actions of others if they assist or encourage the commission of a crime.

Delay tactic

Since 2009, Gutierrez has sought DNA testing that he says would exonerate him of the crime. Prosecutors say Gutierrez was justly convicted and that the DNA request is a delay tactic.

“Gutierrez purposefully forewent DNA testing at his trial in 1999, and he has leveraged that strategic decision for the last 20 years to delay enforcement of his sentence," prosecutors wrote this month.

Kim Kardashian, a criminal justice reform advocate, celebrated the Supreme Court's stay.

This isn't the first time Gutierrez's life was spared at the last minute. The Supreme Court also issued a stay just an hour before his execution in 2020 after his lawyers argued he was denied the right to be accompanied by a priest.

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