This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

There is no doubt that media outlets have played a large role in the shaping of American political opinions in recent years. Just look at the orchestrated attacks on President Donald Trump even while he was a candidate and there were all those reports about the Democrat-manufactured claims of "Russian collusion."

We know now there was no substance to those wild diatribes, but that's not how the legacy media wrote it at the time.

That campaign, apparently is as strong today as ever has been.

A new report from Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard explains that since Kamala Harris was anointed by her party's elite, who had just finished throwing Joe Biden under the bus, as their presidential candidate, 84% of stories about her have been positive.

And 89% of the reports about President Donald Trump have been negative.

"The media have gone on a Kamala Harris binge since the vice president moved swiftly to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's 2024 candidate of choice, giving her the most positive coverage in modern history," he explained. "At the same time, and nearly as expected, the same media have gone on a scorched-earth campaign against former President Donald Trump, giving the Republican nominee what is likely to be a historic level of negative coverage."

He cited the polling results from the Media Research Center.

"Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Donald Trump, but the spin of Harris's coverage has been more positive (84%) than any other major party nominee, even as Trump's coverage has been nearly entirely hostile (89% negative)," that organization reported.

"Add it all up, and the networks have granted the combined Democratic ticket of Harris-Walz 82% positive press, while Trump-Vance has faced 90% negative coverage," explained the report author, Rich Noyes.

Bedard noted the media's "cheerleading" likely will continue this week, as the Democratic National Convention takes off, amid fears of rioting, in Chicago.

However, he noted that the public is not being bamboozled.

"Polls and social media posts appear to show that as drunk as reporters and news anchors are for Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, R-Minn., the public sees through it. In a Rasmussen Reports poll shared with Secrets, 60% of likely voters said they believe the media tries to help the candidate they want to win.' And that is Harris, according to 57% of those polled."

Noyes also confirmed the biggest three outlets simply don't question Harris's positions and suppress Democrat problems such as Walz's lies about his military service.

Noyes explained, "As the Democratic National Convention begins, the Big Three evening newscasts have delivered Kamala Harris the most positive start to a general election campaign of any presidential nominee in recent memory. Not only is she getting the most coverage, she's also getting by far the most positive press. The question is whether the public will be swayed by this extraordinarily lopsided coverage, or will they see this as just more evidence of a partisan news media taking sides."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

U.S. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle resigned her position Tuesday after coming under heavy fire for her agency's colossal failures protecting President Trump during his assassination attempt Jully 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Her resignation letter to the Secret Service states:

To the Men and Women of the U.S. Secret Service,

The Secret Service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders and financial infrastructure.

On July 13th, we fell short on that mission. The scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases. As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse.

However, this incident does not define us. We remain an organization based on integrity and staffed by individuals of exceptional dedication and talent. As I've stated, the Secret Service will move forward with our investigatory and protective mission in a steadfast manner. We do not retreat from challenge. However, I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission.

When I got the call asking if I would return to the Secret Service after my brief retirement, I did not hesitate. I love this agency, our mission, and the great men and women who sacrifice so much every day. I have, and will always, put the needs of this agency first.

In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director

When I assumed the role as your Director, I pledged to do so with honor and integrity. These values have guided my entire career for 29 years.

As many of you know, I served as a special agent for 27 years – securing events for FPOTUS Clinton, working as a supervisor on VP Cheney's detail, leading RTC, operating as the SAIC of ATL, supervising VP Biden's detail, and finally overseeing the agency's protective mission under the Trump Administration as AD-OPO.

As I stated in the hearing yesterday, all of you are worthy of trust and confidence. You deserve the nation's support in carrying out our critical mission. One of my favorite things about this workforce is that the men and women are fiercely committed to our mission.

Thank you for all that you do, and will continue to do, for our great nation.

President Trump said on Truth Social: "The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy. IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO!"

Joe Biden issued a statement saying Cheatle "has selflessly dedicated and risked her life to protect our nation throughout her career."

Regarding the assassination attempt on July 13, Biden said: "We all know what happened that day can never happen again. As we move forward, I wish Kim all the best, and I will plan to appoint a new director soon."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

My prediction in the summer of 2023 was that Joe Biden would retire from president of the USA by the end of 2023 so that Kamala Harris could run as the incumbent president and serve for up to 10 years.

My prediction was wrong. My assumption that the oligarchs and super delegates who run the Democrat party wanted Harris was wrong.

Last April, about three months ago, my prediction changed to that Biden would drop out of the race immediately after the Republican convention so that Democrats would have six weeks to dominate the media before the Democrat convention. My prediction missed it by two days.

So who will replace Joe? The battle to be the Democrat nominee will be fought in the black churches. And Democrats will not complain about violating the separation between church and state. Why will they not be complaining? Because Democrats will be violating the separation now just as they did with Barack Obama and Reverend Wright.

Of the seven battleground states (Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan), Trump needs to win four of the seven, and Democrats need to win four of the seven. Currently, Trump leads in all seven. Since Hispanics are switching in droves from the Democrat party to the Republican Party (macho machismo), Trump has a lock on Nevada and Arizona, and only needs two additional states from the remaining five, while Democrats need four of the remaining five.

Que Mala Harris should not be the Democrat nominee. Democrats would be foolish to nominate her. The oligarchs and super delegates who control the Democrat party know that she is a loser, otherwise she would already be running as the incumbent. Far left extremist. Failure as border czar. Dumb. And the Democrat party is not democratic, even if they try to make the nomination process look democratic. Gaslighting.

Open convention? Mini primary elections? All so that the oligarchs and super delegates can claim that Harris is not the nominee because Democrats used a democrat process to pick someone else. A lie. The fix is in.

In 2020, Biden received more than 92% of black votes and Trump received eight percent. About 90% of black men and 94% of black women voted for Biden. Today, black men are voting for Trump at more than 40%, so that the total black vote is 23% for Trump. Twenty-three, up from eight percent. Why are black men switching to Trump? Emasculated. Dominated by women. Gender push back.

So what does Harris offer? Nothing. With 94% of black women votes, she does not add anything to help Democrats unless she can bring in black male voters.

Instead, Democrats need to nominate a black man to pull black male votes back to the Democrat party. Black women and other feminists will vote for the Democrat no matter who is the candidate or what are the issues.

Watch closely how the black gender war erupts in black churches across America. Black men are rejecting being dominated by black women.

How about Andy Beshear? or Roy Cooper? or Joe Manchin for president? Probably not. All are white guys. Christians. Pro-life. Exactly what those Democrat feminists oppose.

As stated by me about a month ago, Wes Moore is the logical pick. Black male. Military veteran. Married with two children. Religious. Governor from Maryland. Business Executive. The only reason why he may not be the nominee is if he rejects being the nominee for fear of losing to Trump and ruining his chance to run for president in 2028 without Trump in the race in 2028. Then Democrats are probably stuck with Que Mala. Those discussions with Wes Moore are happening right now.

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