This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Friday officers have apprehended two alleged leaders of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most dangerous organized crime syndicates in the world.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, delivered remarks on the arrests, and stated: "Last year, I said that the Justice Department would never stop working to hold accountable those who are responsible for the fentanyl epidemic."

The cartel is largely responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans because of fentanyl members are smuggling over the southern border. Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada allegedly ran the Sinaloa cartel's drug smuggling operation for decades and was a co-founder.

Zambada was arrested alongside Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the son of Zambada's ex-partner, by authorities in Texas on Thursday, according to the DOJ. The cartel is well known for smuggling fentanyl and other illicit drugs over the border, and money laundering.

"On Thursday, the Justice Department took into custody in El Paso two more alleged leaders of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. Both men are facing multiple charges in the United States, for leading the cartel's criminal operations including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks," Garland said.

Zambada is facing charges for fentanyl trafficking, money laundering, firearms offenses, kidnapping, and conspiracy to commit murder. Guzman faces charges for trafficking large quantities of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.

Human trafficking has also become part of the cartel's smuggling business, and the Sinaloa cartel has grown rapidly since 2000. Today, it is one of the most prolifically violent crime organizations, surpassing Pablo Escobar's Medellín Cartel during its prime.

Data published by Our World in Data, shows the rate of violence within Mexican cartels has increased exponentially, spiking from 1,500 to 4,000 deaths per year, to over 18,000 deaths per year in 2021.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, fentanyl, which is a synthetic opioid 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, contributes to nearly 70% of all overdoses. Opioid deaths involving fentanyl in the U.S., are 25 times greater than they were in 2010. Over 70,000 people died from an overdose involving fentanyl in 2022.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

JERUSALEM – The Israel Defense Forces announced Thursday its troops had found – and repatriated on Wednesday – the bodies of five Israelis killed and taken hostage during Hamas' vicious massacres of Oct. 7.

IDF soldiers Sgt. Kiril Brodski, 19, and Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas, 20, as well as Oren Goldin, 33, Maya Goren, 56, and Ravid Katz, 51, had all previously been declared dead, although their bodies continued to be held in Gaza until Wednesday.

According to a joint IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) statement, "precise intelligence" was gathered through the Shin Bet's interrogation of detained terrorists, among other pieces of intelligence. A combination of the IDF's elite special forces 98th Division and Shin Bet agents pinpointed and recovered their remains in Khan Younis.

It is not thought the troops encountered armed resistance during the operation to extract the remains, which were found in a tunnel. Israel's military earlier this week began a new offensive in the city to root out Hamas fighters who had reentered it.

"Alongside the operational effort, the IDF's directorate for the missing and captives worked with the Institute for Forensic Science and the Israel Police to identify the bodies and inform the families," Shin Bet said in a statement.

A video clip of the bodies – which were tightly wrapped in what looked like plastic garbage sacks – and which were neatly arrayed in an APC, appeared online. The reserve soldier who filmed it was handed a 10-day prison sentence by the commander of the 98th Division, and was permanently dismissed from duty for actions "completely against" military protocol.

"The IDF views such incidents with severity, and condemns behavior that endangers the security of our forces, and harms the families of the hostages," the military said, according to the Times of Israel.

Israel's President Isaac Herzog delivered an emotional message on X:

"Our hearts are with the Katz, Goldin, Goren, Ahimas and Brodski families – as soon as it became known about the recovery of their loved ones' bodies – soldiers and civilians from the Gaza Strip. I thank the IDF soldiers, Shin Bet and Security Services personnel who act with determination and bravery to return the male and female hostages."

"We must return them all, the living and those for whom it is our responsibility to bring them home to Israel for burial."

"May the memories of Ravid, Oren, Maya, Tomer, and Kiril, be blessed."

The retrieval of these five bodies means there are still some 111 captives remaining in Gaza, including the 39 the IDF has already declared dead, out of the 251 who were taken to the coastal enclave on Oct. 7 more than 290 days ago.

Maya Goren was a beloved kindergarten teacher from Kibbutz Nir Oz, one of the worst-hit locations on that "Black Sabbath." There is a very affecting image of her tending to baby Kfir Bibas, the then–nine-month-old baby taken into Hamas captivity, along with his four-year-old brother and his distraught parents.

Maya, who was in the kindergarten looking after children when the barbarous hordes descended on her home, was critically wounded although apparently still alive, and whisked across the border to Gaza. She is known to have been murdered some time after that.

Maya's husband, Avner, was also killed inside the couple's home. Although her family already sat shiva – the traditional seven days of mourning following – in December, she will now be laid to rest next to her husband, in a dignified burial.

Sgt. Kiril Brodski, was from Ramat Gan, and served in the brigade commander's command post, and was killed on Oct. 7. In November, it was announced he had been murdered on the day of the attacks and his body was taken to Gaza.

Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas, fell during fierce battles in Nirim. He along with Sgt. Brodski was part of the command post team of Col. Assaf Hamami, commander of the Southern Brigade in the Gaza Division – who was also killed – as they fought valiantly to contain the waves of terrorists.

Oren Goldin, was born in Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak. He was married to Oshrit and together they raised two-year-old twins – Aviv and Ilay. He was kidnapped along with three other members of the kibbutz's emergency squad, including his brother-in-law – Tal Haimi, another Oct. 7 victim.

Ravid Katz lived in Kibbutz Nir Oz. He leaves behind three children – Shahar, Shira, and little Alma, only six months old – and his partner, Revital.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The "Deep State," now using the U.S. Secret Service to attack President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, has warned him to stop doing his trademark campaign event: a large outdoor rally where thousands, even tens of thousands, come to hear him.

The Washington Post said, "Secret Service officials encouraged Donald Trump's campaign to stop scheduling large outdoor rallies and other outdoor events with big crowds after the assassination attempt on the former president in Butler, Pa., according to people familiar with the matter."

It was the U.S. Secret Service that failed, in a long list of ways, to provide protection for Trump at that rally, where a 20-year-old sniper climbed on top of a nearby building to take shots at the GOP nominee, nicking his ear.

The attack apparently could have been fatal except that Trump turned his head to look at a chart at the exact second the shot was fired.

The Secret Service's failures were obvious, as even members of the crowd had seen, and pointed out, the threat before the shooting happened, yet the officers paid by taxpayers to protect Trump failed to take any significant action.

A report at the Gateway Pundit turned in a blunt assessment: "The Deep State is always trying to stop Trump from holding large rallies. In 2020 Democrats used COVID to restrict the number of people at Trump's rallies with Marxist 'social distancing' guidelines. Now the Secret Service is telling Trump to stop holding his massive outdoor rallies… or else?"

The assessment continued, "Is this a threat? Is the Regime telling Trump to hold smaller rallies indoors or else they'll make sure the next attacker doesn't miss?"

In fact, a Senate briefing revealed Secret Service officers had identified the shooter as a suspicious person 10 minutes before Trump took the stage, and the shooter was seen crawling on the nearby roof by rally goers.

Failed Secret Service chief Kim Cheatle, who quit this week, has offered various excuses, including an officer wasn't sent to that roof because it was sloping. Another report said officers "secured" the building from inside because it was hot.

A report at the Federalist said, "The same agency that failed to protect former President Donald Trump from a would-be assassin's bullet is now asking the GOP's presidential candidate to stop holding large outdoor campaign rallies. The request from the grossly incompetent (at best) federal agency stinks of election interference and sounds a lot like a threat."

The Post didn't name its source but added, ""In the aftermath of the shooting, agents from the Secret Service communicated their concerns about large outdoor rallies going forward to Trump campaign advisers, three people familiar with the matter said."

No word on whether the same request has been given to Kamala Harris.

"This is a direct threat from the regime to Trump: if he doesn't stop trying to win, they'll make sure the next attacker doesn't miss. We all know what they're doing," tweeted Federalist CEO Sean Davis.

The report warned, "Shutting down the outdoor events would smack of election interference, a way to stymie a successful means of campaigning."

The Secret Service already has been accused of rejecting Trump campaign requests for more security

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Vice President Kamala Harris has begun her ascent into campaigning in place of President Joe Biden, after he announced he would be pulling out of the 2024 presidential election.

Despite not officially being the Democratic National Party's Democratic nominee, Harris has already taken the presumptive position, and now the DNC's army of think tanks are pushing for her presidency.

However, while they make an argument as to why Harris would be a great pick for president of the United States, using Harris' sex, race, and personal beliefs as a qualifier for the job, there's a disconnect from reality.

The Brookings Institute, a Washington D.C. based think tank, released new commentary Sunday that asked if Harris would be able to convince undecided voters to come to her side and listed reasons as to why voters might be enticed.

These reasons to vote for Harris included the fact that Harris is considered "black," despite her mother being an immigrant from India, and her father being from Jamaica. Also ticking boxes on the Democrat identity politics checklist is Harris' support of abortion and simply being a woman.

"On the one hand, her nomination would take the age issue off the table – and even give her a chance to use it against the former president. Her nomination might well reinvigorate support from young people and non-white voters, and her vigorous denunciation of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade and her advocacy for the pro-choice cause could lead moderate suburban women to reconsider their presidential choice," the Brookings Institute wrote.

Brookings points out that while Harris will have to explain some of the Biden-Harris administration failings over the past four years, including almost devastating levels of inflation, and an out-of-control border crisis – this will all be overshadowed by Harris' alleged appeal to non-white voters, academics, and women.

"Her candidacy will underscore the widening demographic gap between the Democratic and Republican coalitions. As Trump Republicans bet on expanding their outreach to the working class, Harris will depend on a more educated and upscale portion of the electorate. She will have substantial appeal to black voters (especially women) and white liberals, but her prospects of reversing the Democrats' declining support among Hispanics are at best uncertain," the Brookings Institute wrote.

What the Brookings Institute is failing to note is the majority of Americans, whether white, black, or brown, are actually working class people. Former President Donald Trump made life easier for the middle class and lifted many out of lower-income brackets through job creation. The Biden-Harris administration has already proven they will only make life harder, and Harris would only be a continuation of this.

Recent polls show Harris was at least more popular than Biden for a day. Harris' first poll after Biden's withdrawal was conducted by Quinnipiac University on July 19, and posted on FiveThirtyEight, showing Harris had reduced Trump's lead by three percentage points.

This bump did not last long, with the gap between Harris and Trump growing to four points in favor of Trump the very next day. By July 21, SoCal Research had Harris back down to 37% vs. Trump's 43%, and Robert Kennedy Jr.'s 9%.

Overall, the same poll showed Trump leading Harris by eight points, numbers similar to what they were before Biden's withdrawal, which had Trump leading Biden by 11 points at one point in recent months.

What the polls do show is Harris has not had the instant boost the Democrats were hoping for. So far, Harris has not "reinvigorated" the black vote, and Hispanics will likely remain out of reach for Harris, simply because there is strong Republican support within the Hispanic community.

Many Hispanic voters in key states like Florida are legal immigrants or children of immigrants and remember only too well some of the dysfunctional policies implemented in their socialist or communist homelands, and embrace conservative policies because of it.

The Brookings Institute stated that Harris needs to convince undecided voters that she has enough clarity and knowledge to be president, which includes showing she is not inept with foreign policy, domestic policy, and defense.

In her role as VP, Harris was not known for her ground-breaking foreign policies, and Harris' domestic policies and oversight of the southern border have been nothing less than a disaster after millions poured into the nation since Biden took office.

Black voters in droves are openly stating they will not be voting for Harris this coming November, with many noting they have not forgotten Harris' work as a California prosecutor that specifically targeted black men and women.

Trump's support from black voters continues to grow, with a New York Times/Siena poll released in March indicating Trump's support from black voters has grown by 500% in the last four years.

The DNC will be holding an electronic vote ahead of its annual convention scheduled for August 19. To win the official nomination, Harris must receive at least 1,976 votes from the almost 4,000 delegates.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

No sooner had a social media statement appeared online in which Joe Biden said he was bowing out of the 2024 race for the Democrat party nomination for president for the "good" of his party and country than questions were raised.

Why was it posted on social media without a White House news conference, or press release?

Why was there no official presidential seal on the document?

And significantly: why did the signature NOT match multitudes of Biden's previous signatures?

Online was the question, 'Who signed Biden's letter?" with images from five recent presidential orders, and the differing signature from his weekend post.

"This is kind of important . Five identical signatures appear to be with an auto-pen (a real thing Presidents use) and the one on the resignation letter differs," explained Naomi Wolf, who describes herself online as, "Journalist. DPhil, Oxford, Poetry. CEO, Deplatformed 8 times; still right. Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age."

Pershing Square CEO Bill Ackman pointed out, "One would think that a letter to the American people from the president announcing his decision to step aside would not be signed using a digital signature and would be accompanied by a photo op and a scheduled conference in the morning that followed. Instead we have a digitally signed letter released on the president's @X account, an account we know that is run by a staffer, no photo, and no live scheduled address to the American people. If I were China, I would invade Taiwan tomorrow."

report at the Gateway Pundit speculated, "Did we just witness a coup?"

The report pointed out the statement was not on official letterhead.

"Shortly after Biden's announcement letter was released, several journalists noticed Biden's signature in his announcement letter did not match Biden's official signature," the report said.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

One of the most famous scenes in cinematic history is being resurrected with a new face attached, that of former President Donald Trump in the wake of his attempted assassination on July 13.

The movie is 1999's classic science-fiction thriller "The Matrix," and the scene reimagined using artificial intelligence is where Neo, the hero of the story originally portrayed by Keanu Reeves, is able to stop bullets fired at him in mid-air as he realizes he is "The One."

Now in the new version, it's Donald Trump appearing as the Chosen One, able to stop bullets fired by evil "agents" made to look like Joe Biden, Barack Obama and even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

The video shows Trump then proceeding to effortlessly fight and defeat Joe Biden, who eventually explodes into smithereens.

Elon Musk calls the new version: "Best AI video to date!"

Benny Johnson, a well-known video maker online, says: "This is the greatest video on the internet right now now. Holy smokes."

The real Mark Zuckerberg actually had some moving personal comments about the attempt on Trump's life, as he said: "Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag its one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life."

Watch the original clip from "The Matrix" where Neo stops bullets.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump, unfolding in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, may have been the closest we have come to World War III. Trump escaped death by a remarkable providence of God. Had Trump been killed, the man who fights against the globalist quest for world dominion like no other in America, the neocon warmonger elite would have had a full-fledged victory. Horrifying wars would have been ahead of us.

With the American flag perfectly set in the back, the AP photograph of the former president clenching his fist in the air, blood on his face as Secret Service agents swarmed around him, is becoming a symbol similar to the French Revolution iconic painting of “Liberty Leading the People” by Eugène Delacroix. In it, the bare-breasted woman clenching her fist represents the people’s voice against the tyranny of the elites, lifting the French flag with a young boy and soldiers by her side.

The demonized and heavily persecuted Trump has for years been the only man able to symbolize the “little man’s fight against the elites,” as he has spoken of the need to focus on domestic issues, return jobs to America, tax the mega-corporations who reside in tax havens and stop the cartel monopolization of wealth. No wonder the mainstream media are instructed to demonize Trump, as over 90 % of the media is owned by the very same ultra-rich, globalist cartel corporations Trump attacks. I elaborate on this topic in my book “Trump: The Battle for America.” He knows that the United States has become the laughingstock internationally for its complete inability to win wars overseas regardless of the trillions of dollars spent, wars in which hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and millions displaced as refugees. Domestically, the U.S. has been equally unable to deal with the rampant drug problems, inflation, corruption, skyrocketing food prices, open borders problems, overcrowded jails, street poverty and homelessness, horrible roads, gruesome inner-city standards, and so on.

The dramatic assassination attempt becomes the pinnacle of the ongoing political civil war in the degenerated West between local patriots who support traditional constitutional nation-states and internationalist globalists who seek to end borders. Donald Trump has stated that the future does not belong to these globalists; it belongs to the patriots. The globalists arguably seek to impose a new feudalist billionaire-dominated system in which the voice of the people is no more.

The globalist business model is dependent on weak nation-states that easily may be overrun by global corporations that crush the middle class and local businesses. It is also dependent on a low-cost labor force, thus the need for illegal immigrants without rights who can be bullied around with no consequence. It is the new model for slavery: workers with no rights. The globalists have for decades benefited from the outsourcing of jobs and wealth to cheap-labor countries, reinforcing an international economic model that departs from the nation-based capitalist system and benefits the ultra-rich on an unprecedented scale.

Globalism has since the 1980s produced a system in which a few individuals now own over 50% of world assets, only made possible by the transnational business model – with mega-corporations based in tax havens – that refuses to redistribute wealth when outsourcing jobs to low-cost labor countries. This has produced the death of the middle class in the West and the impoverishment of the working class. Naturally, Trump, who wants to reinforce national borders, has become a hated enemy.

The growing divide between globalists and patriots is also strongly present in Europe, a continent reduced to a passively obedient vassal to the same American neocon elites, completely manipulated by the Washington leadership. The European nation-states are weakened, divided, and controlled by political rulers who arguably do not have the best interests of their people at heart. Europe is thereby heavily entrenched in the very same conflict that Trump spearheads in America. The French political leader Marine Le Pen recently said that the divide in the West is no longer between the right wing and the left wing. It is between patriots and globalists.

The assassination attempt has turned Donald Trump into a larger-than-life icon, a prophet hailed as a messiah figure at levels never seen before. The hope is to return American greatness to the deteriorating and sad image of a faltering United States, to end the gruesome wars overseas, and to provide fair trade, growth, and justice to the increasingly multi-polar world.

If there ever was a time to pray for America, it surely is now.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A leaked video of a conversation between former President Trump and independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shows Trump criticizing what is presumed to be COVID-19 vaccines, and the effects he has personally seen.

"I agree with you, man. Something's wrong with that whole system, and it's the doctors you find," Trump can be heard telling RFK, who is well known for his criticism of vaccinations.

Trump goes on to note vaccine doses meant for small babies look like they are "meant for a horse."

"Remember I said I want to do small doses. Small doses. When you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines, and it looks like it's meant for a horse, not a you know, 10-pound or 20-pound baby. It looks like you're giving, you should be giving a horse this, and do you ever see the size of it," Trump said.

Trump then went on to say he has seen many instances of babies suffering from adverse reactions to vaccines.

"It's so massive and then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically. I've seen it too many times. And then you hear that it doesn't have an impact, right? But you and I talked about that a long time ago. Anyway, I would love you to do something and I think it would be so good for you, and so big for you," Trump said.

Trump to RFK Jr on vaccines in leaked call: "I agree with you, man. Something's wrong with that whole system, and it's the doctors you find.

Remember I said I want to do small doses. Small doses. When you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines, and…

— WorldNetDaily (@worldnetdaily) July 16, 2024


Trump goes on to say, "We're gonna win, you know, we're way ahead of the guy," referring to President Joe Biden's poll numbers.

Trump further stated Biden had called him after the attempted assassination at a Butler County rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

"He called me, and he said, how did you choose to move to the right?….I said I was just showing them a chart, I didn't have to tell him the chart of all the people pouring into our country, right? But I just turned my head to show the chart and something rocked me. It felt like a giant, like the world's largest mosquito, and it was, it was a bullet," Trump told RFK.

RFK has since apologized for the breach of confidentiality.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Democrats have held a deep-seated hatred of President Donald Trump since he launched his first bid for the presidency. They manufactured the "Russia, Russia, Russia" lies, they attacked every word he said and every move he made, they schemed to create claims they would use politically for a failed impeachment-and-remove attempt. And then another.

All the while they've insisted over and over – and publicly – that he actually is a "Hitler," suggesting that he must be stopped by any means necessary.

Most legacy media ideologues have been willing co-conspirators to that agenda. And over the weekend when a 20-year-old Democrat donor tried to assassinate him with a sniper rifle, the headlines stunned with their bias.

CNN, for example, wildly claimed, right after the shooting, "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally."

"Falls at rally?"

Would this be because a sniper's bullet grazed his ear and he reacted by ducking down, to take himself out of the line of fire for followup shots?

Fox News said CNN’s report was that “the former president had merely fallen off a stage.”

The headline angered conservative lawmakers, as well as others on social media, who described the headline as "conscious deception" and "disgraceful."

"'Falls at rally'? Is this a real headline? This is disgraceful," Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., responded. And Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said, "Even in a horrifying moment such as this they just can't help themselves."

The shooter quickly was taken down – fatally – by law enforcement.

Donald Trump Jr. also cited the media bias.

"Someone attempted to assassinate my father tonight and this is what @CNN is focused on. These people are vile," Trump Jr. said on social media.

CNN explained the headline was unleashed "before we had 100% confirmation of details surrounding the assassination attempt on former President Trump,"

But other publications had joined, including the Washington Post, which said, "Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally."

Social media commenters had no tolerance for the media agenda: "Your bias is disgusting," said one.

Sky News, a Comcast-owned British outlet, also blamed the victim, with, "Nothing justified an assassination bid – but did Trump play a part in changing the rules of engagement?"

No explanation for how Trump changed the "rules of engagement" for assassination attempts.

Musician Winston Marshall posted on social media the outlet is "the winner for the most disgraceful, disgusting MSM headline."

"Straight to blaming the victim," Marshall said.

Eventually, the headline was changed to "US politics is laced with malevolence and division – it needs a reset."

But story writer James Matthews continued to blame, pointing out "there were reminders from Trump opponents about how, in the past, he had joked about the brutal assault on the husband of former Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi."

Not to be outdone by the media, various Hollywood personalities joined in with their claims, including actress Amanda Seales, who smeared egg all over her face claiming, "That —- was more staged than a Tyler Perry production of Madea Runs for President."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party, the national news media and many social-media “influencers” have, since 2016, continually likened Donald Trump to the single most reviled human being in history, Adolf Hitler. Are they thereby complicit in the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump?

After all, the most moral and righteous response to the real Hitler was to try to kill him. There were, in fact, 16 known plots to assassinate Hitler, and every one of the participants – from revered German theologian Deitrich Bonhoeffer to “20 July plot” ringleader Col. Claus von Stauffenberg – are to this day universally considered patriots and heroes.

But Hitler was a raging psychopath who murdered 11 million people, while Trump is a successful, much-loved American president who murdered zero people. Comparing the two is therefore not only obviously insane, it’s also straight-up evil – because it implicitly encourages unstable, confused and rage-filled people to consider assassinating Donald Trump.

Yes, Biden released a written statement condemning the assassination attempt, and then briefly went on camera to say a few nice words. But this same Joe Biden, less than a week earlier, on July 7, said: “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put >I>Trump in a bull's-eye.

Biden recently demonstrated once again just how wedded he is to the Trump-is-Hitler-so-vote-for-me-even-though-I’m-demented narrative. Even though leftwing factcheck site Snopes had just issued a belated but high-profile debunking of the infamous "Charlottesville lie" – that Trump had paid tribute to “very fine” Nazis after a 2017 Virginia rally – Biden just couldn’t resist telling the Big Lie one more time during his ill-fated CNN debate with Trump.

And how could Biden resist? After all, it’s his favorite lie. He first told it while accepting the Democrats’ nomination as their presidential candidate in 2020, with the Washington Post pompously announcing that "For Joe Biden, Charlottesville defines the Trump presidency."

Biden even claimed – falsely, of course – that “Charlottesville” was his very reason for running for president. He repeated this lie, which has been continually debunked by both right and left for the last seven years, in his inauguration speech. In fact, he has probably repeated this particular lie – that Donald Trump loves Nazis – more often than any other single accusation against the 45th president.

The left – as conservative broadcaster Todd Starnes notes, citing both Newt Gingrich's and Tucker Carlson's concerns over Trump being assassinated – is committed to keeping Trump out of the White House by any means necessary. Period. And one of its main methods for accomplishing that end has been to continually liken Trump to Hitler.

Thus, Hillary Clinton's controversial June 6 D-Day post on X – obliquely but unmistakably identifying Trump with Hitler – was not the exception, but the rule.

The left’s comparison of Trump with Hitler has been incessant and never-ending. When in 2020 a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, was being attacked night after night by violent leftwing radicals attempting to burn it down – with people inside – Trump sent federal law enforcement agents to secure the building, as was his constitutional right and obvious duty. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's response? “The use of stormtroopers under the guise of law and order is a tactic that is not appropriate to our country in any way.” Get it? “Stormtroopers”? Trump is another Hitler.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn echoed the same Hitler comparison, telling CNN: “This president and this attorney general seem to be doing everything they possibly can to impose Gestapo activities in local communities.” Ooh, “Gestapo.” That means Trump is Hitler. CNN's Don Lemon compared Trump to Hitler on-air, as did Democratic presidential candidate Robert "Beto" O'Rourke.

Throughout Trump’s presidency, Democrats and media personalities continually likened the 45th U.S. president to Hitler. They falsely demonized a heroic, disabled veteran, who nevertheless landed a desk job with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as being a Nazi. And people like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even likened Trump's border detention facilities (without mentioning they were first set up by President Barack Obama) as Nazi "concentration camps."

Is it possible that AOC is really that ignorant and/or idiotic? Has she ever watched videos of the liberation of real concentration camps like Auschwitz and Dachau and Buchenwald? It’s difficult to view any of these videos and not weep over the unimaginable – that’s the right word, unimaginable – evil that was perpetrated on millions of innocents.

Then there’s this video commercial, titled "God made a dictator," produced by the “Lincoln Project.” Although one would never expect it from a group with such a nice name, and which Wikipedia describes innocently as “an American political action committee founded in December 2019 by moderate conservatives and former Republican Party members who oppose U.S. President Donald Trump and Trumpism,” the commercial explicitly and viciously equates Donald Trump with three people: Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Un.

What's the real message here? What effect might all of these "Trump is just like Hitler!" theatrics have on lost and angry souls like Thomas Matthew Crooks, the young man who shot at Trump in Pennsylvania?

It goes on year after year. Biden officially describes not only Donald Trump, but the entire Republican Party, as "semi-fascists." This defamation obsession apparently runs in the family. Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Biden, recently caught sight of a former Trump aide attending Hunter’s Delaware firearms trial. According to Fox News, she approached the man, pointed her finger at him and said, “You have no right to be here, you Nazi piece of s***.”

But the insanity goes beyond just vile, demented name-calling. Some on the left responded to the Supreme Court’s recent presidential immunity decision by openly fantasizing about Biden "send[ing] in the military to take out Trump." BBC presenter David Aaronovitch actually called on Biden to have Trump "murdered."

Lest these be dismissed as isolated nut cases, consider that Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., a ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, has plans for Trump if he is sentenced to prison over the 34 pretend “felonies” for which a clueless leftwing Manhattan jury convicted him. In April, Thompson introduced H.R. 8081, the “Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act” – or “DISGRACED Former Protectees Act” for short. The legislation is specifically crafted to terminate Secret Service protection for Donald Trump (and any other high government official who otherwise would qualify for such protection) should they be sentenced to prison following conviction for a federal or state felony.

Obviously, the effect of such legislation would be to make it much easier for Donald Trump to be harmed or killed if he is sent to prison by a corrupt New York judge.

The Trump-is-Hitler obsession is never-ending: Just a few weeks ago, the Los Angeles Times published a major 2024 election-season news report headlined, "Trump and GOP repeatedly echo Nazi and far-right ideology as they aim to retake White House." Just as back in 2016, when five different Washington Post writers explicitly compared Trump to Hitler, the LA Times identifies Trump, his speech, his ideology, his values and his presidential agenda with those of history’s most reviled and genocidal mass-murderer, Adolf Hitler and his monstrous Third Reich.

Right now, millions of good Americans, horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, are praying. They're praying for Donald Trump. They're praying this doesn't happen again. They're thanking God for protecting Trump; after all, had the bullet's trajectory been even an inch or two different, Donald Trump's skull would have been hit and American history would have been cataclysmically altered forever.

Americans are praying for their nation, for a return of peace and unity and sanity.

And one more thing many are no doubt praying for: That the leftist elites, from Joe Biden on down, including their propaganda media, will STOP insanely fueling unhinged leftists’ monstrous fantasies of assassinating “America’s Hitler,” a man who in reality is one of the best and most-loved presidents ever to bless this nation. They are praying that God might impress into these people’s minds the truth – that Trump is not Hitler, and that Republicans, conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters are not “fascists,” “racists,” “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” “deplorables,” “Christian nationalists,” “violent extremists” and “domestic terrorists.”

They are fervently praying that this wildly insane and dangerous slander will stop before it results in the assassination of a beloved president, and plunges the United States of America – which Ronald Reagan, echoing Christ's words, once described as "a shining city on a hill"– into unimaginable levels of chaos, suffering and violence.

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