This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr parted ways with President Donald Trump, who appointed him, regarding many of the disputes about the 2020 election.

That election was impacted by several undue outside factors that never had influenced American elections before, including interference by the FBI and CIA when they falsely claimed Biden family scandals documented in Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop computer were "disinformation."

A survey showed that meddling probably changed the outcome, giving the White House to Joe Biden, while another outside influence was from the $400 million that Mark Zuckerberg gave to elections officials, who often used it to recruit voters in Democrat districts.

A lot of other claims about vote fraud were dismissed by judges, often on procedural grounds so there never was a ruling on the actual substance of claims that absentee vote procedures, ballot handling, and more were corrupted.

While Trump has argued that the election was stolen from him, Barr largely has been of the expressed opinion that nothing major was wrong.

Now, however, a report in the Washington Times points out that Barr was scolded by the inspector general for the Department of Justice.

He was described as stretching the rules to release information about an investigation into ballot irregularities during that election.

Barr, the report said, "released secret information to then-President Donald Trump, and David Freed, who was the U.S. attorney in central Pennsylvania, made a public statement about the case before charges were filed, the audit found."

The IG found that DOJ rules are too vague to determine any violation.

But the report said Freed broke several department guidelines to release investigation details. The issue now is at the Office of Special Counsel.

The report explained, "The rush to release information came deep in the 2020 campaign, as Mr. Trump was complaining that Democrat-led states and judges had rewritten the rules on casting ballots amid the pandemic, opening the door to fraud."

The specifics were that the FBI learned one election official in Pennsylvania "dumped seven returned military absentee ballots into the garbage."

All were identified as votes for Trump.

While the investigation still was developing, Freed announced an "inquiry" into the matter, wrongly reporting that there were nine ballots.

Eventually, the report said, that official was determined as "mentally impaired" and no charges were filed.

Democrats, at the time, proclaimed loudly that the case wrongly fueled election skepticism.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

President Trump long has described the various civil and criminal cases launched by Democrats against him just as he campaigns as the Republican nominee for the White House this year as election interference.

Those multiple cases now are on appeal or have been delayed by the Supreme Court's ruling that presidents have much immunity for their actions in office, with lower courts now trying to sort out the details.

Needless to say, a local judge's demand that Trump spend weeks sitting in his courtroom to hear wild claims about old misdemeanors that now are felonies because the prosecutor said so interfered significantly with Trump's ability to campaign as he would choose.

Further, another judge demanded hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties from Trump in a "fraud" case in which there were no victims, nobody lost money, there were no unpaid loans, and indeed the banks involved wanted to do more business with Trump.

Prosecutors in other cases repeatedly have demanded to go to trial before the election, as that would further impede Trump's campaign, and might even see him sentenced before the vote.

But now Congress will be taking a look at a plan to block such election interference.

It is U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who has proposed legislation that would put a halt to election interference schemes by state officials and bureaucrats who launch politicized civil or criminal cases.

The Florida Capitol Star said, "The Prevention of Election Interference Act of 2024 would bar the sentencing of presidential candidates in court 120 days before a presidential election. It also would prevent the candidate from being sentenced 60 days after a presidential election."

Gaetz said, "Presidential candidates should have the right to campaign without interference, regardless of their party affiliation! Over the past two years, state officials and unelected bureaucrats have been keeping President Trump tied up in court with dubious charges, hindering his ability to campaign nationwide."

His succinct plan says, "No State, or any officer or instrumentality thereof, may impose or carry out a sentence for a State criminal offense committed by a major party candidate during the covered period.

"During the covered time, a major party candidate may submit an application to a State or Federal court of jurisdiction demonstrating that such sentence described under subsection (a) may interfere with the campaign activities of the major party candidate. Upon receipt of an application under subsection (a), the State or Federal court of jurisdiction shall amend a sentence relating to the major party candidate, including by staying the sentence for the duration of the covered period or vacating such sentence."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Kamala Harris, the probable replacement for the mentally failing Joe Biden at the top of Democrat party's 2024 presidential ticket, has been declared "not welcome" in a major American metroplex.

It is in Harris County, Texas, that her visits are being shunned.

Kamala is not welcome in Houston.

— Harris County GOP (@HarrisCountyRP) July 25, 2024


According to a statement from the Harris County GOP, it's because she is ignoring entirely the major concern of voters there.

"Yesterday, vice president and hand-selected Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris arrived in Houston, the statement said. "Today, she will keynote the American Federation of Teachers national convention.

"The last time Harris was in Texas was three years ago when she made her one and only visit to cleared streets and carefully crafted environments in El Paso as the 'border czar.'"

It explained Harris County GOP chief Cindy Siegal said, "Kamala Harris is coming to Texas to speak at a teachers' union event with no plans to visit the border is exactly what I would expect from her; it's another example of her indifference to the real issues Texans are facing."

She said, "The border crisis is the number one issue for Texas voters. So, naturally, she is coming to Houston to talk to a group of woke educators rather than make a trip to our southern border."

She added, "Let's be clear – Kamala's brazenness in showing up in Texas after she perpetuated the lie and coverup regarding the cognitive decline of President Joe Biden and deceiving the American people is shameful. This deceit resulted in her being propelled to the highest point in her career without a single vote being cast in her name. Kamala, along with Joe Biden, has promoted policies that have hurt Texans and headed an administration that has been based upon lies to the American public."

A report posted on the Gateway Pundit, originally from the Western Journal, explained, "Like most major cities, Houston hardly qualifies as hostile territory for Democrats. While former President Donald Trump carried Texas in the 2020 election, Harris County went for President Joe Biden. Nonetheless, Harris County Republican Party Chairman Cindy Siegel showed that she knew exactly how to expose the vice president's massive deficiencies."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Joe Biden has earned a lot of disgust from average Americans over his spending trillions of American tax dollars the nation didn't have, sparking inflation as high as 9%, after President Donald Trump had turned over an economy humming along with 1.4% inflation.

And Biden indeed used his advisers' schemes to propose that spending.

But it turns out that Kamala Harris, Biden's apparent replacement on the Democrats' 2024 White House ticket after Biden, blasted with evidence of a declining mental capacity, dropped out, actually provided the key vote that gave Americans that inflation.

report at Just the News recalls, "Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate for the first COVID-19 stimulus package in 2021 which led to inflation, in what critics call a sign of what's to come in a possible Harris administration."

The report noted Harris has cast 33 tie-breaking votes in the Senate so far, more than any other vice president, but it was her second, "for the stimulus package at the beginning of the Biden administration," that hit the American economy hard, triggering that inflation that peaked at just over 9%.

It has since fallen but remains significantly above the inflation under President Trump.

It was a $1.9 trillion spending agenda approved in the Senate, on Harris's vote, in 2021.

The report explained, "The U.S. inflation rate was 1.4% in 2020, then jumped to 7% in 2021."

Biden repeatedly, and falsely, claimed he inherited 9% inflation.

And Americans are noticing. The report cited a Pew poll from May in which 62% of adults said inflation was "a very big problem."

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., told the John Solomon Reports podcast that Harris "was the deciding vote in the Senate that unleashed this massive inflation on the American people. The Senate was tied 50-50. She voted for the American Rescue Plan in the Senate to break that tie. And then what happened was this massive inflation – which has hurt every working-class American, every senior on a fixed income – that is squarely on the shoulders of Kamala Harris."

Stephen Moore, who formerly advised Trump on economics, said in the report that Harris now is embracing the failed Biden economic and border agendas.

"Let the American people decide what they think," Moore said.

He pointed out that under Biden and Harris, "average weekly family earnings have dropped by $2,100, whereas they were up by $5,500 under Trump."

Multiple economic experts said Harris is at fault for the nation's sinking economy as much as Biden.

"She owns this. She and the president, who she defended with lies for the duration of the last three and a half years, on this entire failure," one said.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A telecommunications and information technology worker residing in Florida has been charged with acting as an agent for the People's Republic of China and faces a potential maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

The U.S. Department of Justice released a statement Wednesday, stating Ping Li, a 59–year–old U.S. citizen who immigrated from China, failed to register as a foreign agent and used his position in Verizon, and an international information company to spy for China's Ministry of State Security, or MSS.

The MSS handles all civilian intelligence collection for China, and uses "cooperative contacts" located in certain areas outside of China, to gather intelligence to further China's agendas. This includes any information about foreign companies and corporations and information about foreign politicians or those in foreign intelligence agencies.

These contacts are also responsible for informing the Chinese government about any Chinese political dissidents who reside in those countries.

According to the statement, since 2012, Li served as a contact and was directed to obtain "information of interest." Li obtained information concerning Chinese dissidents, pro-democracy advocates, U.S.–based non-governmental organizations, and members of the Falun Gong religious movement.

Information about Li's employer, Verizon, was also shared with the MSS, and Li frequently returned to China to meet with the MSS and used various anonymous online platforms to communicate.

The Falun Gong religious movement is not formally recognized in China and was outlawed in 1999, according to the statement. Li was ordered to spy on members of this movement and reported back in August of 2012, with the name and biographical information of a resident living in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Between 2015 and 2022, Li sent information about his employers, a training manual, details about hacking events carried out by the Chinese government involving U.S. companies, and information that included the names and addresses of individuals who had fled China.

The Tampa Bay Times reported Wednesday that Li had not made a guilty plea after appearing in court Monday. Li's attorney Daniel Fernandez told the paper he was waiting for more information from the government and Li was a "model citizen," having lived in the U.S. for over 30 years.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

World War III could be closer than anyone expects if Kamala Harris is elected to the White House in the fall.

That's according to GOP nominee and President Donald Trump, who discussed the race after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home on Friday.

"We'll see how it goes. But if it all works out, if we win, it'll be very simple. It's all going to work out. And very quickly. If we don't, you're going to end up with major wars in the Middle East. And maybe a third World War. You are closer to a third World War right now than at any time since the Second World War. We've never been so close because we have incompetent people running the country."

In fact, during Trump's first term in office, there was relative peace around the globe. When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, war broke out in Ukraine and Gaza with other minor skirmishes developing. Further, China in openly belligerent about its land acquisition plans in Asia and the Pacific.

Trump said it is the conflicts in the Middle East that could escalate into a third World War if he loses the 2024 election, according to Fox.

Nethanyahu traveled to Mar-a-Lago to meet with Trump, where the GOP nominee explained Harris is "worse" on Middle East issues and claimed the Israeli war with the terrorists of Hamas in Gaza could expand if Harris succeeds Joe Biden.

The report explained, "Trump's remarks come amid a reported diplomatic flare-up between Harris and Netanyahu, which occurred after their meeting Thursday. On comments after the meeting, Harris said she told the Israeli prime minister she 'will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, including from Iran and Iran-backed militias such as Hamas and Hezbollah.'"

But then she also criticized Israel over its ongoing war with the terrorists from Hamas in Gaza who attacked in last Oct. 7, invading and slaughtering some 1,200 civilians, including many at a music festival.

Harris claimed to be concerned about the "humanitarian situation" because of the war on the terrorists.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new video mashup has documented that Kamala Harris is, in fact, Joe Biden's "border czar," with an assignment to sort out the mess, crisis actually, at America's southern border triggered by his open borders practices.

During President Donald Trump's tenure, multiple security plans and measures had been instituted and while the problem always existed, its impact was dramatically lower when thousands were entering the nation illegally instead of millions, under Biden and Harris.

Legacy media long identified her as the "border czar," but commentator Piers Morgan explained why they now are denying what they themselves reported: "The reason they all want to deny it now is because they realize it's incredibly damaging to Kamala Harris if the American people see that she was indeed in charge of sorting out the border problem and presided over a complete disaster."

The video was compiled by Newsbusters, a part of the Media Research Center.

Morgan said he's "bemused" about "why the media is trying to pretend they didn't say what they said. All of them."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Donald Trump is erupting on Christopher Wray after the FBI director suggested to Congress this week the former president may not have been struck by a bullet.

"Concerning former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear," Wray testified.

"I don't know right now whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have landed somewhere else," he added.

Late Thursday night, Trump reacted to Gray's suggestion, posting on Truth Social:

"FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn't sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively "uneventful" – Wrong!

"That's why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other criminals pouring into our Country at record levels. His only focus is destroying J6 Patriots, Raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving Radical Left Lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments – with zero retribution.

"No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a 'bullet wound to the ear,' and that is what it was. No wonder the once-storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!"

U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, a former White House physician, got vocal about the matter, saying:

"Christopher Wray was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE and OUT OF LINE to question if President Trump was hit by a bullet. All this rhetoric does is feed the fire of ASSASSINATION DENIERS and IDIOTS like Joy Reid and Keith Olbermann!

"I examined the bullet wound hours after he was shot. It was a bullet wound with ALL the hallmark signs that accompany a wound from a high-powered rifle. Not to mention, we ALL SAW IT with our own eyes!

"It's because of IDIOTIC and POLITICALLY MOTIVATED statements like this, that we don't have ANY confidence in the supposed #1 law enforcement agency in this country. We CAN'T TRUST THEM to run this investigation into the assassination attempt!"

In the wake of comments by Jackson, the FBI Friday issued its statement to Fox News Digital: "What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject's rifle."

Colin Rugg, co-owner of Trending Politics noted: "Why to believe your own eyes when you can listen to the media spoonfeed your lies?"

At the Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft wrote: "Chris Wray has single-handedly destroyed the reputation of the FBI, a once-respected law enforcement agency that is now the strong arm of the political left in destroying their political opponents."

He added Wray's "storied career at the FBI includes:

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

How dare he do that? How dare President Joe Biden – a "leader" who dedicated his younger years to avidly avoiding military service during the Vietnam war, five times filing waivers for asthma while still continuing to play football and serve as a lifeguard – mock a prestigious combat-award recipient of the Bronze Star, former Army Ranger and Colorado Rep. Jason Crow who is a member of Biden's own party? The congressman courageously served a total of three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What caused Biden to go off the deep end in criticizing Crow? The congressman, along with other moderate Democrats, made a zoom call to the president to express their concerns about him running for reelection due to his questionable mental state. They clearly recognized Biden serving a second term as not being in the country's best national security interests. As the call was subsequently leaked to the public, there is no dispute about Biden's subsequent rant and thus no way for Biden handlers to cover up what was said.

To the credit of these moderate Democrats, they may well have influenced Biden's decision days later not to seek reelection. But there is no excuse for what Biden put Crow through during that call.

The call reveals a president who is barely lucid as he is unable to complete sentences or his thoughts, rambling on and on while losing his train of thought. It is inconceivable this man could conduct any kind of meaningful dialogue with world leaders – or even with himself, if left alone in a room to do so. One of the participants claimed he "lost a ton of respect" for Biden during the call. The nature of the call is particularly damning when one considers not only were all participants Democrats, but even the news outlet releasing it – Puck News – is typically left-leaning.

It was after Crow mentioned the importance of national security to voters that Biden directed an attack against the Democratic congressmen. In doing so he unsurprisingly launched into a tirade of completely false claims in which he outrageously took credit for putting NATO "back together" – an odd assertion, as it had never fallen apart:

"First of all, I think you're dead wrong on national security. You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I'm not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me! Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin! Tell me who did something that you've never done with your Bronze Star like my son – and I'm proud of your leadership, but guess what, what's happening, we've got Korea and Japan working together, I put Aukus together, anyway! … Things are in chaos, and I'm bringing some order to it. And again, find me a world leader who's an ally of ours who doesn't think I'm the most respected person they've ever."

Never missing an opportunity to garner sympathy for himself due to the death of his late son Beau who died of brain cancer, Biden seems to praise the Bronze Star Beau was awarded for his army tour in Iraq as somehow being more significant than Crow's. The fact of the matter is that is absolute hogwash as just the reverse is true. While Beau received his Bronze Star for meritorious service as a lawyer safely behind friendly lines, it was not awarded for combat valor or heroism on the battlefield as was Crow's. Crow's was earned as an 82nd Airborne platoon commander during one of the largest sustained urban combat warfare operations in which it had been involved since World War II.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The Olympic Games in Paris appear to be on an agenda to return to the games' original pagan roots, where blood ceremonies highlighted the days and allegiances were sworn to various pagan gods.

Just take a look at the videos that feature a blasphemous portrayal of the Last Supper, featuring an obese woman and drag queens, a blue Smurf-type character and a decapitated head – singing no less.

Actually, there was a recent report from that explained the games, from about 776 B.C., drew naked men to compete in a range of events, where women were not welcome.

The report explained, "Father Richard Pengelley, the former Anglican dean of Perth who represented Australia in water polo at the 1984 and 1988 Olympics, says sport and religion were inseparable for the ancient Greeks."

He said the goal actually was "religious education."

"For example, ancient athletes would swear an oath before competing to follow the rules and compete with honour and respect. It's a tradition that persists at the modern Olympic Games."

"Athletes and priests also made elaborate blood tributes to their gods, including the sacrifice of a hundred oxen at the Great Altar of Zeus at every Games," the report said.

The pagan events were outlawed in 393 A.D. by the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius, then restarted in the late 19th century, and then actually emphasizing "muscular Christianity," the idea that "Christian ethics could be taught through sport."

The report noted that in the modern games, "blood sacrifices at the altar of Zeus are a thing of the past," at least so far.

But they still do include ancient religious rituals including the lighting of the cauldron and the athletes' oaths.

The report called the modern games a "civil religion."

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