This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr says the re-election of Joe Biden to the presidency this year would be "national suicide."

Barr was appearing Wednesday morning on "America's Newsroom" on the Fox News Channel.

When asked by host Bill Hemmer whom he would support in the 2024 presidential contest between Donald Trump and Biden, Barr indicated:

"Well I've said all along, given two bad choices, I think it's my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country and in my mind that's ... I will vote the Republican ticket, I will support the Republican ticket."

Barr then sounded the alarm about the most serious threat to the United States.

"I think the real danger to the country, the real danger to democracy, as I say, is the progressive agenda.

"And I said Trump may be playing Russian roulette but continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion."

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A vast majority of Americans, some 7 of 10, believe their nation, under Joe Biden's leadership, is in a "rapid decline."

A report from Medium cited the results from polls by Pew Research, Gallup, and Axios-Ipsos Latino to show "a prevailing sense of pessimism among Americans regarding the future of the United States."

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