Swing states using tax money to turn out Democrat-leaning voters

 May 1, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

During the 2020 election, it was Mark Zuckerberg who handed out, through foundations, some $400 million plus to local elections officials to help them "cope" with the complications of COVID.

Mostly, they used it to recruit left-leaning voters in what may be one of the biggest election influence operations ever. The cash, in an amount never before seen in an American election, also was all outside of the normal election funding processes.

Now officials in two states have decided not to wait for any outside funding for their 2024 schemes; they are using tax money.

It is in a report at the Federalist that reveals Democrat officials in Arizona and Nevada already have begun using tax money to "register and turn out Democrat-favorable young voters" for the pivotal 2024 election, which will decide if America follows Joe Biden's pro-abortion, pro-transgender, anti-Christian, big spending socialist agenda further.

Or not.

The report noted this week Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, confirmed he's working with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge on an Arizona Campus Voting Challenge.

A news release claims the effort is "nonpartisan" and is to increase student voter participation.

That constituency, voters 18-29, went for Democrat House candidates over Republicans by nearly a 2-1 margin during the 2022 election, according to an assessment by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University, the report said.

The Arizona program offers "awards" to participating colleges based on voter turnout and registrations, even though "federal law makes it illegal to 'make[] or offer[] to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote,'" the report said.

The state announcement promises, "By signing up for the Arizona Campus Voting Challenge, all accredited, degree-granting higher education institutions across the state can improve, measure, and celebrate efforts to institutionalize nonpartisan civic learning, political engagement and informed voter participation. Institutions that sign up for the Arizona Campus Voting Challenge will also be automatic participants in the nationwide ALL IN where awards are issued for highest voter turnout, most improved voter turnout, and highest rate of voter registration. As well as state-specific awards for meeting objectives mapped out in an institution’s nonpartisan democratic engagement action plan."

The report notes that the evidence undermines the program's claim of nonpartisanship.

"ALL IN is an enterprise of Civic Nation, a left-wing nonprofit headed by Valerie Jarrett, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama. The initiative has previously produced Democrat talking points, such as the baseless claim that 'strict voter ID requirements' are 'barriers' to voting," the report said, "ALL IN’s leadership team is also comprised of Democrats. Founding advisory board member Alicia Kolar Prevost, for example, previously served in the Clinton administration and worked at the Democratic National Committee."

The report noted, too, that Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar, also a Democrat, confirmed his office would work with his "Youth Advisory Task Force" to recruit "young voters."

A statement from Aguilar's office said the priorities are "identifying and proposing programs that support participatory democracy and solutions to any problem concerning the level of participatory democracy of young voters," and "supporting projects … that encourage and advance participatory democracy of young voters."

The report noted Michigan Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson also has worked to develop similar recruiting schemes for young voters.

Further, the report noted, Joe Biden is working on similar plans at the national level.

"Signed in March 2021, Executive Order 14019 directed hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in state and local election administration by using taxpayer funds to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. Agencies were instructed to collaborate with so-called 'nonpartisan third-party organizations' that have been 'approved' by the White House to provide 'voter registration services on agency premises.' Of course, many of these 'nonpartisan' groups have been identified as extremely left-wing, such as the ACLU and Demos," the report explained.

Already, the Education Department has said federal Work-Study program cash, which provided part-time campus jobs to help students with expenses, now will be used to "employ students" for "get-out-the-vote" and "voter registration" agendas.

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