Surprise! DOJ finally ADMITS scandal-packed Hunter Biden laptop is real

 January 17, 2024

his story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop, and which later confirmed a long list of scandalous behaviors, played a key role in the 2020 election.

The FBI used it in its election interference campaign, in which it told publications to suppress the details because it was likely "Russian disinformation."

That happened even as FBI agents knew that it was real, that there was nothing "Russian" or "disinformation" about it.

A subsequent polling revealed that had Americans widely known the truth, enough would have withheld their support for Joe Biden to have changed the election winner … to President Donald Trump.

Now, years later, the Department of Justice is admitting what analysts, observers, media members, and experts have said for a long time: It's real.

The Daily Caller reports The DOJ now as "acknowledged the legitimacy of Hunter Biden's infamous laptop for the first time."

The report explained it's in a Tuesday court filing from prosecutors responding to demands from Hunter Biden that his federal firearms charges be dismissed. He's accused of lying on a required federal form when he bought a handgun, claiming he was not on drugs when his book confirms he was addicted during that time period.

The DOJ admits that the laptop that Biden "left at a computer store" had information matching what prosecutors already had obtained from Apple.

The DOJ states, "Investigators also later came into possession of the defendant's Apple MacBook Pro, which he had left at a computer store. A search warrant was also obtained for his laptop and the results of the search were largely duplicative of information investigators had already obtained."

It was the New York Post that initially revealed the contents of Biden's laptop, which contained among other things vast pages of emails about the Biden family's escapades.

One key falsehood was perpetrated by a list of "51 former intelligence officials," the report said, "who falsely claimed that the content" was a "Russian disinformation operation."

Hunter Biden also is facing legal issues over his failure to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income and possibly faces charges for being a foreign agent and failing to register properly.

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