Supremes to hear how FDA 'violated law' by lifting abortion-chemical regs

 December 13, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed it will review the case in which the Food and Drug Administration "violated the law" when it lifted regulations on the industry that dispenses abortion-inducing chemicals to American women.

The fight actually involves two cases, FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and Danco v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, with Danco being the corporation that makes, sells, and profits from the sale of the chemicals.

In the lower courts, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the FDA likely "violated the law" when it lifted a long list of safety rules and regulations for the chemicals and allowed them to be dispatched to girls and women without the needed warnings.

Katie Daniel, an official for the pro-life Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said, "The Supreme Court and the entire country will hear the facts about Democrats' dangerous mail-order abortion scheme. Working hand-in-glove with the abortion lobby, the FDA has misled the American people with its repeated claims that the abortion pill regimen is 'safe and effective,' all while they removed basic safeguards like in-person doctor supervision."

She continued, "This not only flies in the face of science and common sense, but the 5th Circuit agreed it most likely broke the law. The people aren’t buying it, either – especially when they learn the FDA doesn’t track serious complications other than death."

She accused the FDA, "under multiple Democrat administrations," of putting politics of the pro-abortion political agenda before "its duty to protect health and safety."

The results often have been "tragic," she charged.

"Without oversight, abortion pills easily get into the hands of abusers and jealous exes. Not only have countless babies died, but mothers have also died. The FDA is not above the law, and there must be justice for the harm they cause."

Dr. Ingrid Skop, a board-certified OB-GYN who is vice president of Charlotte Lozier Institute, added, "As a practicing OB-GYN with over 30 years of experience, I have seen first-hand what the abortion pill regimen has done to my patients, both mother and child. As many as one in five women will suffer a complication such as hemorrhage or infection, and I have cared for many of these women in the ER."

She pinpointed the blame for the problem: "The Biden administration’s decision to weaken commonsense safeguards and remove doctors from the process shows they prioritize abortion on demand over the mother’s safety. I hope the Supreme Court realizes that the lives of many babies and women are at risk. The FDA must be held accountable for its callous actions."

The pro-life organizations found polling shows that Americans simply don't believe the FDA's claims that mail-order abortion is a safe procedure.

A report from the ADF explained how the FDA "never studied the safety of the drugs under the labeled conditions of use."

Further, the agency, in "illegally approving" chemical abortion drugs, "ignored the potential impacts of the hormone-blocking regimen on the developing bodies of adolescent girls, disregarded the substantial evidence that chemical abortion drugs cause more complications than surgical abortions, and eliminated necessary safeguards for pregnant girls and women who undergo this dangerous drug regimen," the organization said.

The ADF pointed out it was the Biden administration that is insisting on the chemical abortion free-for-all in America.

ADF lawyer Erin Hawley, said, "Every court so far has agreed that the FDA acted unlawfully in removing common-sense safeguards for women and authorizing dangerous mail-order abortions. We urge the Supreme Court to do the same."

She added, "The FDA has harmed the health of women and undermined the rule of law by illegally removing every meaningful safeguard from the chemical abortion drug regimen. Like any federal agency, the FDA must rationally explain its decisions. Yet its removal of common-sense safeguards—like a doctor’s visit before women are prescribed chemical abortion drugs—does not reflect scientific judgment but rather a politically driven decision to push a dangerous drug regimen."

Abortion actually is one of the key agenda points that Joe Biden has dedicated his presidency to expanding, with his demands for virtually unrestricted and tax-paid abortion accommodations at all levels of government.

His other main agenda point has been promoting the body-mutilating transgender procedures for all, including children.


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