Supreme Court to put politician on trial for Christianity a THIRD time

 April 19, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Twice already, courts in Finland have cleared politician Paivi Rasanen of hate speech charges for simply posting a Bible verse.

That's not good enough for the prosecutor, who insisted he would take his efforts to punish her for her biblical views to the nation's Supreme Court.

And now that body has agreed to review the claims.

A report at CBN explains the high court body is taking up the "contentious case."

Rasanen, a member of parliament in Finland and former national officer, interior secretary, said, "The Supreme Court has today announced that it will give the prosecutor general the permission to appeal the unanimous acquittal of the Helsinki court of appeal concerning the charges about my statements."

She said her fight for "freedom of speech" will continue.

She pointed out that she could take the case, given a Supreme Court ruling at variance with several other courts, to the European Court of Human Rights should she choose.

"I have … a peaceful mind and I am ready to continue to defend free speech and freedom of religious before the Supreme Court and, if need be, also before the European Court of Human Rights," she said, according to the report.

It was just last November that the Helsinki Court of Appeal dismissed three criminal charges against her. That ruling made it a total of six judges who had not found anything illegal in her postings.

WND has reported on the ongoing attacks on Rasanen over the years.

Prosecutors reportedly are demanding tens of thousands of Euros in fines – as well as censorship of her comments.

A report from ADF explained Räsänen was accused by extremists in that nation's government of “hate speech” for "sharing her faith-based views on marriage and sexual ethics in a 2019 tweet, during a 2019 radio discussion, and in a 2004 church pamphlet."

Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola also is accused in the case, as he was part of creating a brochure with her comments.

Even earlier, a district court had ruled against the prosecutor's attempt to convict her, and at the appeals judges ordered the prosecutor to pay her legal fees.


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