Supreme Court approval bounces after Trump ballot ruling

 April 4, 2024

The Supreme Court is more popular after its unanimous ruling rejecting the left-wing lawfare campaign to kick Donald Trump off the ballot.

A new poll from Marquette University Law School found that the court is just barely underwater, with a 47% approval rating. 

“This is the highest approval of the Court since January 2023, when it was also 47% with 53% disapproving. The last time approval was greater than 50% was [in] March 2022, when it was 54%,” the University noted.

The findings suggest a disconnect between the general public and liberal pundits and politicians who have attacked the legitimacy of the court.

Supreme Court bounces back

Those attacks ramped up in 2022 when the conservative majority dismantled Roe v. Wade - an unpopular decision that led to voter backlash.

But left-wing radicalism appears to have helped the court recover public trust as a stabilizing force.

The court unanimously ruled in March that individual states could not disqualify Trump under the Fourteenth Amendment's so-called "insurrection ban." The justices echoed Trump's concerns that banning him would unleash political chaos.

The Marquette University poll found that 56% of Americans agree with the court's 9-0 ruling to keep Trump on the ballot.

The ruling led to howls of protest on the left that only grew louder when the court agreed to consider whether Trump is immune from criminal charges for official actions taken during his presidency.

By taking up Trump's appeal, the Supreme Court potentially delayed his January 6th trial past the election.

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Most Americans are opposed to granting American presidents immunity for official actions, the poll found, but the percentage in support ticked up when Trump was mentioned.

While 62% said "former presidents" should not have immunity, only 56% said the same for Trump specifically.

Americans are split 50-50 on whether the court is mainly motivated by politics or the law, according to the Marquette poll.

The poll was taken from March 18 to 28, 2024, and surveyed 1,000 adults with a margin of error of 4 points.

Despite sharp disagreements, the court's justices have generally sought to put on a united front to the American people.

Democrats have sought to fan rage toward the court, with President Biden calling out the justices for their abortion ruling in his State of the Union last month.

However, it appears that the left's extremism has led many to view the court more favorably.

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