Superbowl ad starring Carl Weathers to be adjusted since untimely death

 February 3, 2024

The entertainment and sports world is mourning the loss of Carl Weathers, a versatile actor known for his roles in iconic films and television series, who passed away at the age of 77.

FanDuel is modifying a Super Bowl advertisement featuring Carl Weathers following the actor's recent passing, marking a respectful acknowledgment of his legacy.

This decision comes as a response to the actor's death, which was announced to have occurred "peacefully in his sleep."

Carl Weathers, whose career spanned both the realms of acting and sports, was set to appear alongside Ron Gronkowski in the FanDuel Super Bowl commercial, titled "Kick of Destiny 2."

Prior to his passing, a clip of the advertisement had been released online, showcasing Weathers' enduring charisma and presence. FanDuel's decision to adjust the advertisement reflects the impact of Weathers' death on the campaign and its audience.

FanDuel's Tribute to a Legendary Talent

In light of Carl Weathers' passing, FanDuel expressed their condolences, highlighting the actor's significant contributions to entertainment and sports.

The company released a statement, stating, "We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Carl Weathers. Throughout his life, Carl was an iconic talent who had a profound impact on the people he worked with on and off the screen."

This sentiment underscores the respect and admiration that those who worked with Weathers felt towards him.

"FanDuel was fortunate to have had an opportunity to work with him during our Super Bowl campaign. We are adjusting our campaign accordingly out of respect for the family during their time of grief," FanDuel added, indicating the company's commitment to honoring Weathers' memory in a manner befitting his stature.

The specific changes to the "Kick of Destiny 2" ad have not been disclosed, leaving viewers to anticipate how FanDuel will pay homage to Weathers' legacy within the constraints of their Super Bowl slot.

Carl Weathers: A Life of Extraordinary Impact

Weathers' family released a statement following his death, describing him as "an exceptional human being who lived an extraordinary life."

They elaborated on his wide-ranging influence, noting, "Through his contributions to film, television, the arts, and sports, he has left an indelible mark and is recognized worldwide and across generations. He was a beloved brother, father, grandfather, partner, and friend."

This tribute encapsulates the broad scope of Weathers' achievements and the deep affection those close to him held.

Carl Weathers' career was marked by memorable roles in the Rocky series, Predator, Happy Gilmore, Arrested Development, and The Mandalorian.

Besides his acting prowess, Weathers was also a former NFL player, showcasing his diverse talents and interests. His passing has led to an outpouring of tributes from fans, colleagues, and those inspired by his work.

Sylvester Stallone's Heartfelt Tribute

Among the most poignant tributes was that from Sylvester Stallone, who shared his thoughts on Instagram. Stallone's relationship with Weathers was deeply personal, with the two having shared the screen in the Rocky series, where Weathers played the iconic role of Apollo Creed.

Stallone credited Weathers with being a pivotal part of his life and success, stating, "Today is an incredibly sad day for me. I’m so torn up, I can’t even tell you."

"I’m just trying to hold it in because Carl Weathers was such an integral part of my life, my success — everything about it. I give him incredible credit and kudos," Stallone continued. "Because when he walked into that room and I saw him for the first time, I saw greatness. But I didn’t realize how great it was. I never would have accomplished what we did with ‘Rocky’ without him. He was absolutely brilliant."

Stallone's reflection on Weathers' impact underscores the deep connection between the two actors and the mutual respect that fueled their collaborative success. Weathers' legacy, as highlighted by Stallone, extends beyond his filmography to include the lasting impressions he left on his co-stars and the broader cinematic and sports communities.

A Legacy Remembered

As the Super Bowl approaches, FanDuel's advertisement will serve as a reminder of Carl Weathers' enduring influence in both the entertainment and sports industries.

While the details of the ad's adjustment remain undisclosed, the gesture itself speaks volumes about the respect and affection that Weathers commanded. From his dynamic roles on screen to his achievements on the field, Carl Weathers leaves behind a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations.

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