Stunner in 4th place among America's leading causes of death

 April 17, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new report has revealed a real stunner in fourth place among America's leading causes of death: The abortions from Planned Parenthood.

The leading player in the nation's lucrative abortion industry said in its annual 2022-23 report that the corporation ended the lives of nearly 393,000 during a single year.

And SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser quickly pointed out the unwelcome significance of that figure.

"Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion, abortion, and more abortion. Their annual report shocks the conscience, showing that they ended nearly 393,000 American lives in a single year. This puts abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in the top four leading causes of death in the United States, after heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19," she explained.

"Once again, pregnant women who walk into Planned Parenthood are sold an abortion 97% of the time, rather than helped to keep their child or make an adoption plan. Meanwhile, they saw 80,000 fewer patients, provided 60,000 fewer pap tests and breast exams, and even gave out less contraception."

Then she noted how ordinary Americans are forced by Democrats in Washington to subsidize the abortion industry.

"As a reward, Democrats in Washington and the states sent them almost $700 million from the taxpayers – one-third of their revenue – to end the fiscal year with $2.5 billion in net assets. Vice President Kamala Harris even made a campaign stop at a Planned Parenthood abortion center. In turn, their political arm spends more than any other abortion-related group to lobby the federal government against commonsense policies like protecting babies born alive after failed abortions," she said.

Abortion is one of two major agenda points that Biden adopted upon assuming the Oval Office, and he's promoted the industry at every available opportunity. His other campaign goal is transgenderism for children.

Dannenfelser continued, "Planned Parenthood dropped this bombshell report while many Americans are still recovering from tax day. Any family that hasn’t been living under a rock has noticed that necessities get more expensive by the day. We know that 60% of women who’ve had abortions would rather have kept their babies if they just had more emotional or financial support."

The Democrats' response to that problem, however, has been to "demonize and strip funding from pregnancy resource centers that serve women and their children. Bidenomics has turned into abortionomics. Just like their hero Margaret Sanger, their 'solution' to the struggle of families to keep their heads above water is to kill their children and let the abortion industry rake in record profits," she said.

Planned Parenthood is working hard to grow its industry, a scholar from the Charlotte Lozier Institute explained.

Michael New, Ph.D., noted Planned Parenthood’s annual reports "consistently provide solid evidence that Planned Parenthood continues to prioritize abortion."

He said, "Overall, this new report shows that Planned Parenthood performed 392,715 abortions in 2022. This is a record number of abortions for the organization and represents approximately 40 percent of the abortions performed in the United States. The report also indicates that Planned Parenthood continues to cut back on several health services. Between 2022 and 2023, preventive-care visits fell by 31.0 percent, pap tests fell by 13.5 percent, cancer screenings fell by 1.4 percent, and adoption referrals fell by 4.5 percent. Interestingly, for every adoption referral in 2023, Planned Parenthood performed over 228 abortions."

The report confirms Planned Parenthood's results as being "consistent with Planned Parenthood’s long-term trend of performing more abortions and providing fewer health services," he said.

"In fact, in the past ten years, the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood has increased by 20 percent. Meanwhile, cancer screenings fell by more than 58 percent, and prenatal services declined by more than 67 percent."

The organization, in preparation for the coming election, has documented online the anti-life agenda of the Biden administration.

For example, it has tried to force doctors and nurses to participate in abortion and has tried to suppress the rights of those who object to the wanton destruction of the unborn.

Biden worked on this by eliminating the HHS Office for Civil Rights, trying to push through Congress an "equality" plan that demands that abortion at any time is a "right," and pushing for the legitimization of the Equal Rights Amendment, which died decades ago for lack of support.

Explains the report, "The profit-seeking abortion industry wants to erase medical safety standards on the abortion pill Mifeprex – and promote dangerous chemical abortions that put women at risk of heavy bleeding, severe infection, and sometimes death."

Biden even has promoted a piece of legislation known by critics as the "Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act," which would give abortion business operators "carte blanche to carry out abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason."

Biden also has worked to block popular legislation that would stop abortion on demand after five months, refused to protect babies who survive abortion attempts, canceled safety rules protecting Americans from dangerous chemical abortions, refused to recognize an existing federal law banning partial-birth abortions, and more.

Biden also has named the most pro-abortion cabinet ever, with his HHS chief, Xavier Becerra, exhibiting just this week for Congress his refusal to say an abortion of a healthy baby the day before a due date should be wrong.

Further, Biden's administration has been aggressive in trying to make changes that would require all Americans to fund the abortion industry's lavish lifestyle.

He even nominated to the Supreme Court Ketanji Jackson, who "maligned pro-life sidewalk counselors … in ugly and false ways."

Biden's DOJ, further, has ignored a long list of vandalisms against pro-life pregnancy centers while jailing those who try to counsel women against abortion outside industry locations.

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