State Superior Court takes control, puts Trump back on ballot

 January 20, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The Maine Superior Court has ordered that President Donald Trump's name be restored to the 2024 primary ballot, reversing an earlier decision by Secretary of State Shella Bellows, a Democrat and, according to a commentary at The Gateway Pundit, a "psychotic," who ordered it removed.

Bellows claimed, without a court hearing, without evidence, without any due process, that Trump was an "insurrectionist" for his comments on Jan. 6, 2021, when a few hundred people rioted at the U.S. Capitol and therefore banned.

In fact, no criminal case charging insurrection ever has been created against Trump, and when Democrats in Congress made such an allegation he was acquitted in the Senate.

The Colorado Supreme Court also earlier ordered Trump's name off that state's ballot, but it is back now because the U.S. Supreme Court is considering the issue.

CBS News reported a Maine Superior Court cleared the way for Trump's name on the ballot.

The report said Justice Michaela Murphy determined Bellows' decision must remain on hold pending the Supreme Court's coming decision.

Murphy noted her state's primary is in March and ordered, "unless the Supreme Court before that date finds President Trump disqualified to hold the office of president, eligible Maine voters who wish to cast their vote for him in the primary will be able to do so, with the winner being determined by ranked-choice voting."

The judge said Maine law lets her send the fight back to Bellows with orders to issue a new ruling later.

"Put simply, the United States Supreme Court's acceptance of the Colorado case changes everything about the order in which these issues should be decided, and by which court," the judge said. "And while it is impossible to know what the Supreme Court will decide, hopefully, it will at least clarify what role, if any, state decision-makers, including secretaries of state and state judicial officers, play in adjudicating claims of disqualification brought under Section Three of the 14th Amendment."

Trump had asked the court for a review after Bellows' arbitrary ruling.

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